

A man has his eighth son in Uganda(乌干达). People call him the ugliest man. His name is Godfrey Baguma, but people like to call him Sebabi--the ugliest man of them all. At the age of 47, Godfrey Baguma married his second wife--Kate Namanda in 2013. Then they have six children, two of them come from his first wife. Godfrey Baguma said: “My first wife liked me because of my money, but people kept telling her that she could do better, so she left me and lived with another man.” Sebabi then met 18-year-old Namanda, his aunt played go-between for him.

He said: “I stayed with her four years before people knew where she was. I didn’t want them to see me until we had a child because they would ask her to leave me.” “She left me when the baby was six months old in her body, but she came back two months later." “I told her if she feels bad, she is free to leave me." Namanda stayed, and they married at Godfrey’s hometown in 2013. People had to pay 4,000 Ugandan shillings if they wanted to see Sebabi’s wife.


1.Godfrey Baguma has ____ children.

A 5

B 6

C 7

D 8

解析:选D。细节理解题。文章第一段第一句A man has his eighth son in Uganda(乌干达).可知,故选D。

2.Godfrey Baguma’s first wife liked ____.

A Godfrey Baguma

B her children

C another man

D family

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段倒数第二句so she left me and lived with another man.可知,故选C。

3.The underlined phrase “go-between” means ____ in Chinese.

A 介入

B 干涩

C 媒人

D 调停


4.Godfrey Baguma didn’t let Namanda’s people see him because____.

A he is very bad

B Namanda was ill

C he is too ugly

D he had too much money


5.People had to___ if they wanted to see Sebabi’s wife.

A pay money

B sing songs

C give presents

D dance

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句People had to pay 4,000 Ugandan shillings if they wanted to see Sebabi’s wife.,故选A。