
About Us

Catty Shack Ranch Wildlife Shelter, an organization, doesn’t run for profit. “Our mission is to provide a safe, loving, forever home for endangered big cats, and to educate the public about their situation in the wild”. Our primary focus is in the rescue of cats from serious situations. Once taken in at Catty Shack Ranch, they have a loving, forever home for life. Now we need some volunteers.

What Do Volunteers Do?

Our volunteers at the Ranch do a variety of projects—including upkeep of enclosures, yard work and landscaping, cleaning, preparing residents’ food items and guiding tours. We also have our Thrift Store that needs volunteers…a perfect opportunity for the person who needs to be inside from the Florida heat, or just loves to help out with retail(零售)! Thrift Store volunteers help with selling items, cleaning, and organizing the store.

Volunteer Requirements

You must be at least 18 years old, if volunteering for “school community service hours”. Volunteers may be 16 years old but must be accompanied at all times by a parent or adults.

You must be able to volunteer at least 8 hours a month to be an “active” volunteer.

Before volunteering, all paperwork and appropriate documentation must be completed and turned into our Volunteer Coordinator.

How to Become a Volunteer?

Join us for a Volunteer Meeting on the first Thursday of every month at 6:00 PM. At the meeting, please bring:

●Completed Volunteer Form (download here);

●Driver's license or official form of ID;

●$20 (cash or check) for your shirt and volunteer badge(徽章).

Additional Information

If you have further questions about volunteers, please contact us by email HKWC@163.com.


1.Volunteers can help do ___________ things in the Thrift Store.

A 6

B 5

C 4

D 3

解析:选D。由文章第二段最后一句Thrift Store volunteers help with selling items, cleaning, and organizing the store.可知,志愿者可以在Thrift Store店中帮着做“售卖商品、打扫卫生和管理商店”这三件事情。由此可知答案选D。

2.What must you do if you want to be an “active” volunteer of Catty Shack Ranch?

A Work at least 8 hours per month.

B Do voluntary work accompanied by adults.

C Have at least 8 hours to work per day.

D Have rich working experience.

解析:选A。细节理解题。由文章第四段You must be able to volunteer at least 8 hours a month to be an “active” volunteer.可知,要想成为 ‘active’ volunteer”,一个月工作时间不能少于8小时。由此可知答案选A。

3.What’s the main purpose of the text?

A To tell people how to become a good volunteer.

B To attract more visitors to visit Catty Shack Ranch.

C To seek for volunteers to work at Catty Shack Ranch.

D To call on more people to protect the endangered cats.

解析:选C。目的意图题。本文是一篇广告,主要是招聘到Catty Shack Ranch工作的志愿者。由此可知答案选C。

4.We can learn about Catty Shack Ranch Wildlife Shelter that ___________.

A it’s a non-profit organization

B it’s a public educational base

C you can visit it free of charge

D you can get educated on wildlife protection

解析:选A。细节理解题。由文章第一段第一句Catty Shack Ranch Wildlife Shelter is an organization that doesn’t run for profit.可知Catty Shack Ranch Wildlife Shelter是一个非营利组织。