

Think back to the last time your partner did something nice for you. Now think about how you reacted to that little act of kindness. Research suggests that people who are grateful — not just by saying a quick “thanks” but also by expressing the gratitude — get more happiness. More importantly, they also tend to feel more connected to others and better about their relationship.

A recent study by Sara Algoe, a psychologist at the University of North Carolina, found that on days when partners reported feeling more grateful for someone's acts of kindness, they also reported feeling more connected to that person.  In other words, what mattered wasn’t how often someone in the relationship did a thoughtful thing — it was how grateful the partner reported feeling about it. 

Amie Gordon, a psychologist at the University of California, has also studied how gratitude can affect couples. In her study, she found that the more grateful couples were, the more likely they were to still be in that same relationship nine months later.

Gratitude may be different than simply expressing it. So rather than simply saying “thank you” to the person who held the door open, try focusing on how you feel about the person who did that kind act. “My definition of gratitude,” writes Gordon ,“includes appreciating not just what your partner does, but who they are as a person. You’re not just thankful that your partner took out the trash — you’re thankful that you have a partner who is thoughtful enough to know you hate taking out the trash.”

Research suggests that one of the reasons being grateful feels so good is because it helps start the friendly relationship. In other words, when we start being grateful, we’re more likely to continue to feel positive in the minutes or months ahead. And the people around us probably feel it too.


1.What is the best title of the passage?

A Real gratitude brings happiness.

B Little act of kindness is good.

C How to get better relationship.

D What people do to show thanks.

解析:选A。根据文章第一段第二句的…not just by saying a quick “thanks” but also by expressing the gratitude — get more happiness可以得知,真正的感激能让人得到幸福。

2.According to Sara Algoe, what is important in building strong connection with others?

A How often they are connected with each.

B How much they feel grateful to the others.

C How soon they can affect their couples.

D How many questions they have asked.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句的…it was how grateful the partner reported feeling about it.可以得知是心存感激才能建立牢固的关系。

3.What would the couple do if they feel grateful?

A They would unlikely to get married.

B They would unlikely to get affected.

C They would unlikely to get divorced.

D They would unlikely to be questioned.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句的…the more likely they were to still be in that same relationship nine months later.可以得知如果夫妻能互相感激,他们还能在同一关系,据此推知他们不太可能会离婚。

4.What is special about Gordon’s gratitude?

A Saying a lot of “Thank you”.

B Taking out a lot of the trash.

C Appreciating others by heart.

D Holding the door for the others.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第四段第四句的…you’re thankful that you have a partner who is thoughtful enough to know you hate taking out the trash.可以得知在他看来是要从内心真正地表达感谢才是最真正的感激和谢意。