

Early morning in Nyeri, 100 kilometers from Kenya’s capital Nairobi(内罗毕) 17-year-old Cynthia Wairimu makes her way to class. She is in her final year of primary school (8th grade) and will take her final exams in December. She gave birth to her daughter Eunice last month. Cynthia is part of the Pick Me Up program that has helped more than 100 teen mothers finish school since it started in Kenya two years ago. The government and the United Nations say that every year, 13,000 girls leave school early in Kenya because of having babies. 

Hawa Wangech is the teacher of 20 teen mothers. “Getting the teen mothers is the biggest problem since they are afraid to come out and look for help and go back to school,” she explained. “Secondly, they are poor,so getting back into school is difficult.” Pick Me Up is run by members who give $10 a month.  “The government has not yet introduced sex education in schools, so this is to help the girl.And we can be able to fill in the gaps and make this world a better place to live in,” the head of Pick Me Up, Waithera Chege said. Finishing school helps them make more money, which can mean a better life for both her and her child.

1.What’s the capital of Kenya?

A Nyeri.

B Beijing.

C Nairobi.

D London.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段第一句Early morning in Nyeri, 100 kilometers from Kenya’s capital Nairobi(内罗毕).可知,故选C。

2.Who is Eunice?

A She is a teen mother.

B She is Cynthia Wairimu’s daughter.

C She is a member of Pick Me Up.

D She is a student in the primary school.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段第三句She gave birth to her daughter Eunice last month.及上文语境可知,故选B。

3.Pick Me Up is to help______.

A mothers make more money

B the poor boys

C students in primary school

D teen mothers finish school

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段第四句Cynthia is part of the Pick Me Up program that has helped more than 100 teen mothers finish school since it started in Kenya two years ago.可知,故选D。

4.The underlined phrase “final exams” means_____in Chinese.

A 最后的考试

B 终极测验

C 终极测试

D 期末考试


5.Which is the right order? ①Pick Me Up began in Kenya. ②Cynthia gave birth to her daughter. ③Cynthia will take an exam in December. ④Pick Me Up has help over 100 teen mothers.

A ③①②④

B ③②①④

C ①④②③

D ①②④③

解析:选C。逻辑顺序题。根据时间先后顺序应为:Pick Me Up项目在肯尼亚启动-Pick me up帮助众多少女妈妈- Cynthia 上个月生了女儿- Cynthia12月份要参加期末考试,故选C。