
My name is Loba. I’m a beautiful German shepherd, who has lived an impressive 17-years age. Unfortunately, I’m afraid that I can’t enjoyed the twilight(黄昏) of my life in the comfort of a home now. My former family who owned me for more than 5 years had to give me up, because they couldn’t afford the care I need. They said that I could spend most of my time outdoors, but it’s not ideal. I think an indoor situation will be preferable for my aged body, as I have the aches and pains that come with getting older. 

I am not naughty. I’m not noisy and I’m easy to get along with. I can play with kids and I’m going to be good with other dogs or cats. I don’t need to eat too much, especially meat. Milk will be good for me. I am not able to run fast, but you can take me to walk for a while after dinner. I promise I will not be troublesome. All I need is someone who can be with me in my rest of life as I am afraid to be alone. Here is my information card.



1.Who is Loba in the passage?

A A 17-year-old boy.

B A 17-year-old girl.

C A 17-year-old dog.

D A 17-year-old cat.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。从第一段 I’m a beautiful German shepherd, who has lived an impressive 17-years age可知,Loba是一只17岁的德国牧羊犬,故选C。

2.Why did Loba’s former family give her up?

A Because she made many troubles.

B Because she could not get on well with the kids.

C Because she ate too much.

D Because they could not afford the care she need.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。从第一段My former family who owned me for more than 5 years had to give me up, because they couldn’t afford the care I need可知,故选D。

3.What does Loba need most?

A Milk.

B Walk after dinner.

C Someone be with her.

D Time.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。从第二段All I need is someone who can be with me in my rest of life可知,故选C。

4.Which of the following is NOT correct according to the passage?

A Loba spent over 5 years with her former family.

B It’s better for Loba to live indoors.

C Loba lives in Carson Shelter in California.

D Loba doesn’t like to live with others.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。从第二段I am afraid to be alone可知,Loba害怕孤独,与D选项意思相冲突,故选D。

5.The purpose of the passage is to ____.

A introduce Loba to readers

B help Loba to find a new owner

C help Loba to find her former owner

D ask people not to give up their pets

解析:选B。B 主旨大意题。文章开头告诉读者Loba被遗弃,在第二段介绍了Loba的生活习性后,告诉读者Loba需要有人陪伴,最后给出了Loba的信息卡和宠物收容所的联系电话,故可以看出本文旨在帮助Loba寻找新的主人,故选B。