
“Week of Chinese Film” took place in Serbia in August 15th, 2014. Chinese ambassador to Serbia Li Manchang took part in it. He said that Serbian audience is sure to get to know China much better by watching movies offered to them there. 

China attaches great importance to the mutual communication and cooperation with Serbia. And the “Week of Chinese Film” is a good chance for China to share its history, culture and customs with the people in Serbia. More people will get to like Chinese films by attending this festival.

In the cinema in Ruma, Li watched "The Message" (2009), directed by Chen Kuo-Fu and Gao Qunshu, together with representatives of the Chinese embassy and the audience. Ruma is a town some 60 kilometers northwest of Belgrade.

The program of the festival presents a selection of movies from the past decade, including "Confucius" by Hu Mei (2010), "The Storm Riders" by Andrew Lau (1998), Teddy Chan's "Bodyguards and Assassins" (2009), "The Warlords" by Peter Chan (2007) and "Tuya's Marriage" directed by Wang Quan'an (2006).

"Many people from Serbia don't know enough about China. This festival is meant to introduce modern China to as many Serbian citizens as we can," Li told us.


1.How many movies are mentioned in the passage?

A Five.

B Six.

C Seven.

D Eight.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。从文章第三、四段可知,短文共提及6部中国电影,故选B。

2.Li Manchang’s words in Paragraph 1 indicates that____.

A people will know more about China by visiting Serbia.

B people will know more about China by visiting China.

C people will know more about China by watching movies with him.

D people will know more about China by watching Chinese movies in the festival.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。从文章第一段He said that Serbian audience is sure to get to know China much better by watching movies offered to them there可知,本次电影节可以让塞尔维亚人更了解中国,故选D。

3.Where did Li Manchang watch "The Message"?

A a cinema in Ruma.

B a cinema some 60 kilometers southwest of Belgrade.

C a cinema in the northeast of Belgrade.

D a cinema in China.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。从文章第三段In the cinema in Ruma, Li watched "The Message" (2009),可知,故选A。

4.Which of the following is CORRECT?

A "The Storm Riders" was released in 1998 by Hu Mei.

B "Bodyguards and Assassins" was released by Teddy Chan in 2009.

C Both"The Warlords" and "Tuya's Marriage" was released by Peter Chan.

D Many people from Serbia know much about China.

解析:选B。B 细节题解题。从文章第四段Teddy Chan's "Bodyguards and Assassins" (2009)可知,故选B。

5.The purpose of the “Week of Chinese Film” is to____.

A introduce modern China to people in Serbia

B introduce modern China to people in the world

C ask people to watch Chinese films

D to show the achievements of Chinese films.

解析:选A。A 主旨大意题。从最后一段This festival is meant to introduce modern China to as many Serbian citizens as we can可知本次电影节的目的是为了让更多的塞尔维亚人了解中国,故选A。