

More and more people keep dogs as their pets. People likes dogs because they are very lovely and loyal. And, dogs also help people in many different ways. They help the police catch thieves(窃贼,小偷), they help blind people cross the road safely, they can guard our homes and they can even save people’s lives. Here is the story.

Karina Chikitova is a three-year-old girl in Russia. A few days ago, she got lost in a forest. She spent 11 days and night in the forest. And her dog was the only hope for her to survive(幸存,存活). During the days, she only had wild berries and river water. Her dog kept her warm and protected her from other animals at nights. Two days before, the dog came back home and guide people found the girl. Thanks for her dog, Karina Chikitova was back safely at last.

Now Karina is  in hospital in Yakutsk. The doctor told us that she had not serious injuries.



1.Why people love dogs?

A Because they are lovely.

B Because they are loyal.

C Because they are helpful.

D All of the above.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。第一段向读者阐述了人们喜欢狗的三大原因即A、B、C选项的表述,故应选择包括ABC三选项的答案,所以答案是D。

2.According to the text, dogs can help people in many ways EXCEPT ____.

A help blind people cross the roads

B shop for people

C save people’s lives

D guard homes

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。从第一段可知,狗可以帮人类做很多事情,但是文章并没有提到狗能帮助人类购物,故选B。

3.Where did the story in Paragraph 2 happen?

A In Australia.

B In Russia.

C In Africa.

D In China.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。从第二段Karina Chikitova is a three-year-old girl in Russia可知,故选B。

4.What didn’t the dog do for the missing girl?

A Brought her out of the forest.

B Kept her warm.

C Protected her from other animals.

D Led people find her.

解析:选A。A 细节题解题。从第二段可知,两天前小狗回家并带人来到森林找到小女孩,而不是自己带小女孩走出森林,故选A。

5.The author tells the story to tell us that____.

A dogs are good animals

B we should keep a pet dog

C dogs are helpful and they can even save our lives

D we should treat dogs better.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。文章第一段作者告诉读者狗能帮人们做许多事情,还能挽救人类的生命,然后就讲述了小狗救3岁小孩的故事,可见,作者讲故事的目的是为了支持上文的观点,故选C。