

September is National Childhood Obesity(肥胖) Awareness Month, and one organization is using the tennis to inspire kids to be more active and keep fit. On September 7, the United States Tennis Association (USTA) hosted a youth exhibition at the National Tennis Center in New York. The event helped start thousands of USTA Free Tennis Play Events nationwide during the month.

Boxing champion Laila Ali, partnered with the USTA to help spread the word about this event. At the kickoff event, Ali talked about the positive effects of playing a variety of sports.

“I’m really happy to be spreading the message that parents should keep their kids active through sports and start physical activity at a young age,” Ali told TFK. “That will ensure that they continue to stay active and healthy throughout their life and become involved in sports while they’re young. For kids, just go out there and have fun. Then they will find something they are good at, and that’s good for them.”

In youth tennis, the focus is on making the sport fun for kids, and make it easier for them to play. The courts are shorter than those for adult players, and the equipment includes smaller, lighter bats, etc. In this sport, kids are encouraged to have fun and enjoy themselves, without caring about winning or losing.


1.What’s the intention of the United States Tennis Association’s action?

A To let kids treat others with respect.

B To encourage kids to keep healthy.

C To lead more adults to play tennis.

D To help kids become more active in class.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“...is using the tennis to inspire kids to be more active and keep fit.”可知美国网球协会正用网球这一体育项目来 鼓励青少年踊跃参加体育活动并保持身体健康。 故选 B。

2.What is Laila Ali’s attitude to the event?

A Upset.

B Calm.

C Passive.

D Supportive.

解析:选D。D 观点态度题。 根据第二段第 一句 “Boxing champion Laila Ali, partnered with the USTA to help spread the word about this event.”可知拳击冠 军 Laila Ali 跟美国网球协会一起做活动来宣传这 件事情。所以 Laila Ali 对此事的态度是“支持的”。 故选 D。

3._________ is very important in making kids active in sports.

A Interest

B Money

C Time

D Skill

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第三段最后两句“For kids, just go out there and have fun. Then they will find something they are good at, and that’s good for them.”可知 Laila Ali 认为青少年应该到运动场上 开心地玩,这样就会发现自己擅长的东西,这对 青少年来说是件很好的事情。所以说对体育运动 的兴趣培养很重要。故选 A。

4.What are the key words for youth tennis?

A Boring and difficult.

B Useful and normal.

C Funny and easy.

D Hard and harmful.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第四段“In youth tennis, the focus is on making the sport fun for kids, and make it easier for them to play.”可知青少年网球运动的 关注点在于该项运动是否让青少年感到有趣味, 是否容易参与。故选 C。