

As the name, Singles’ Day began as a day for single people—a chance to celebrate.And the four numbers—the date of 11 November—stand for being single. But in 2009 Alibaba used the day as a good way to make money. It said the date was easy to remember, and placed in a spending low season between National Day and Chinese New Year holiday. Singles’ Day quickly became very popular. Other online retailers(零售商)began joining in, and Alibaba calls it "Double 11". It is protected by law, no other companies can use the name.

It says that since 2009, every year,the sales of Alibaba goes up so fast. And with a total population of 1.3 billion people, there’s still plenty of room for growth. But Alibaba also has a global dream. It says more than 200 foreign retailers from more than 20 countries had promised to be partners in its Singles’ Day sales this year. Many famous brands(品牌) take part in the "11.11 shopping festival" for the first time. 

Even in China, however, some users don’t feel happy about the festival. Another user said, "I don’t know why people are so excited about the ’Double 11’. It’s meaningless as they all raise prices before giving a discount(折扣)."


1.When is Single’s Day?

A 1 January.

B 1 October.

C 11 November.

D 12 December.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段第二句iAnd the four numbers—the date of 11 November—11/11 stands for being single.可知是在11月11号,故选C。

2.11 November used to be____.

A a holiday

B a shopping day

C a chance to celebrate

D National Day

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段第一句Singles’ Day began as a day for single people—a chance to celebrate可知,故选C。

3.The name “Double 11” belongs to(属于)______.

A Alibaba

B Jingdong

C Apple

D Microsoft


4.“Double 11” shopping has been on for______years.

A 5

B 6

C 7

D 8


5.Which is the right order? ①Retailers from abroad join in Double 11. ②Singles began to celebrate on 11 November. ③Alibaba began to make money with Double 11. ④People get famous brands from abroad after Double 11.

A ③①②④

B ③②①④

C ②③①④

D ②④③①
