
An American journalist, Melissa Ludtke, adopted a young Chinese girl 18 years ago. She is using her daughter’s story to tell about abandoned children from China.

    Maya Xia Ludtke, 19, was a baby when her birth parents left her in a small town in Jiangsu Province. Melissa Ludtke brought Maya to her Massachusetts home in 1997.

    Over the past two years, Ms. Ludtke has helped her daughter and another Chinese-born girl record their return to their rural home. Jennie Lytel-Sternberg, 19, was at the same orphanage(孤儿院) as Maya and was adopted by another woman living in the same part of the US.

    “This is a very different exploration,” Ms. Ludtke said. The two teenage girls returned to the town where they were born to understand how their lives might have been different. Along the way the girls took photos and recorded videos of their meetings with the people from the area around Changzhou. 

    This project takes the photos and videos collected by the girls to tell their stories, and the stories of other girls like them. It is an electronic book written in six parts with many tools that give extra information.

    Throughout her career, Ms. Ludtke covered issues about women and girls around the world. The one-child policy was an attempt by the Chinese government to limit overpopulation. For the past several decades, the government has punished parents who produce more than one child. This has caused many parents to abandon children, especially girls. In Chinese society, male children are more likely to be able to get jobs that can support their families.

    In the video when they first arrive in the town where they were abandoned, Xiaxi, Maya and Jennie seem surprised at how different their lives almost were.


1.Jennie Lytel-Sternberg and Maya Xia Ludtke are both_______.

A adopted by Melisa Ludtke

B living in the same part of the US now

C living in the same orphanage

D living in their rural home in China

解析:选B。细节理解题。Jennie Lytel-Sternberg and Maya Xia Ludtke两个年龄相同的女孩都是美国人在中国领养的孩子,她们住在美国的同一个地区,故选B

2.Why did the two girls record their return to the small town in Jiangsu Province?

A To tell stories about their life.

B To tell stories about China.

C To explore a different world.

D To understand the people in Changzhou.

解析:选A。推理判断题。由第一段可知,Melissa Ludtke是一个新闻工作者,她在收集素材写一本有关被遗弃儿童的书,她要用这两个女孩的故事作为素材,由此可推,这两个女孩记录她们这次回乡之旅,是要讲述她们的故事,故选A。

3.What does the underlined word “cover” in paragraph 6 mean?

A Travel.

B Protect.

C Hide.

D Report.

解析:选D。词义猜测题。cover一词意思较多,Ms Ludtke主要是写有关妇女、儿童问题的文章(书),所以这里的cover的意思与report相同,故选D。

4.What seems to be Ms Ludtke’s attitude to China’s one-child policy?

A Satisfied.

B Angry.

C Critical.

D Objective.


5.Maya Xia Ludtke was______by Melissa Ludtke in 1997.

A left

B taken away

C abandoned

D adopted

解析:选D。细节理解题。从第一、二段可知,Maya Xia是Melissa在中国领养的一个孩子,领养时间是在1997年,故选D。