

Russia, the United States and other countries are hurrying to control Earth's northernmost territory: the Arctic. It is rich in oil and natural gas. The countries want to use these and other natural resources for their citizens and to sell overseas.

Russia has claimed a large part of the Arctic to develop natural resources, including oil. President Barack Obama recently approved proposed drilling in an area under U.S. control. The project was the idea of the Shell Oil Company.

Bill Arnold once worked for the Shell Oil Company. "There is no other place that I've ever been that is like this. So I am very interested in the preservation of the beauty of Alaska." Mr. Arnold said he believes that new energy resources can be developed without harming nature.

The Arctic has become more accessible because polar ice is melting much faster now than in centuries past. Many scientists point to climate change as the reason behind the melting ice. Climate change results from the use of fossil fuels, like petroleum oil for cars and other vehicles.

Russian development of the Arctic slowed after Western nations ordered sanctions (制裁)against Russia. The sanctions were meant to punish Russia for taking the Crimea from neighboring Ukraine. Western-based companies were forced to withdraw from partnerships with Russia.

Mr. Arnold says many countries are developing shipping projects through Arctic waters once the ice is unblocked. He also says it could be some time before Shell's explorations affect U.S. energy production. He says it will be seven to ten years before those efforts begin to pay off with large-scale production.


1.Why are some of the countries hurrying to control the Arctic ?

A Because they want the northernmost territory there.

B Because they want the natural resources there.

C Because they want to sell natural resources.

D Because they want to get the natural resources for their citizens.

解析:选B。细节理解题。由第一段最后一句The countries want to use these and other natural resources for their citizens and to sell overseas.可知,北极地区有丰富的石油和天然气,不少国家想利用这里的这些资源,所以尽力的想控制这个地区。

2.Who cares more about the natural beauty of Alaska?

A Russia

B Barack Obama

C the Shell Oil Company

D Bill Arnold

解析:选D。细节理解题。由第三段Bill Arnold所说可知,他对这里自然风景很关注,他对保护自然风光感兴趣,故选D。

3.Because of _____,the Arctic is becoming easier to get to.

A cars and other vehicles

B the use of fossil fuels

C climate change

D Obama's decision

解析:选C。推理判断题。由第四段第一句The Arctic has become more accessible because polar ice is melting much faster now than in centuries past. 由于冰雪融化,北极更易到达,故选C。

4.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word "withdraw"in paragraph 5?

A move away

B take back

C return

D keep away

解析:选A。词义判断题。由第五段内容可知为了制裁俄罗斯,那些西方国家在俄罗斯的公司不得不撤离,所以这里的withdraw应为move away搬走。

5.The author of this passage is _____in writing this report.

A enthusiastic

B satirical(嘲讽的)

C passionate

D objective
