

Scientists at the Wolong Panda Research Centre in Sichuan Province, central China, have said they now understand 13 different sounds pandas make, The People’s Daily Online reports.

“Mum you are crushing me, please hold me in another position, so I feel better.” is just one of the phrases they have decoded when a panda baby makes the sound “wah-wah.” Experts from the centre at Wolong have spent the last five years studying their sounds, and “wah-wah” is just one of them.

They also found that baby pandas are similar to human babies when it comes to basic needs. There are two other unique sounds that panda babies make, “gee-gee” and “cuckoo”. “Gee-gee” means “I am hungry, feed me” and “cuckoo” is the sound they make when they are satisfied.

In the research centre at Wolong, scientists said understanding panda sounds will help them understand more about their psychological and living habits. The centre’s director, Zhang Hemin, introduced the experiment in 2010. “Through the recordings and spectrum(光谱) analysis, we have decoded some of the panda’s language. We understand them at feeding, nursing babies, and emotions from different situations,” said Zhang. Pandas in the growth process are very similar to humans; they like to be with their mother. They slowly learn roaring, barking, screaming and other intense sounds.A “bark” means you shouldn’t get close to them because they are angry and may start a fight. 

The study of panda language will continue at the research centre in Wolong Nature Reserve, central China’s Sichuan Province. There is still a long way to go as the scientists want to get a better understanding of the exact meaning of the panda sounds. 

The Giant Panda Protection and Research Centre was established in 1980. It is currently the world's largest panda protection and artificial breeding institution. The survival rate of the center’s newborn pandas is at an all time high. It now protects more than 200 giant pandas.


1.When does a panda make the sounds of “cuckoo”?

A It is angry and wants to fight.

B It doesn’t feel comfortable.

C It is hungry and needs feeding.

D It feels pleased and happy.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句“cuckoo” is the sound they make when they are satisfied可知,当熊猫发出“咕咕”声时,它们感到很惬意很满足,故选D。

2.What is the use of decoding the sounds made by pandas?

A Scientists can keep up the survival rate of the newborn pandas in the center.

B Scientists can understand more about pandas’ psychological and living habits.

C Scientists will know when panda babies are hungry and feed them in time.

D Scientists will know when pandas are dangerous and keep away from them.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第四段第一句…understanding panda sounds will help them understand more about their psychological and living habits可知,研究熊猫语言,有助于科学家们更好的了解熊猫的心理状态和生活习性,故选B。

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A China has made great efforts to protect the giant pandas.

B Environment has been greatly improved for pandas in China.

C Great achievements have been made to understand pandas.

D Pandas are not very similar to humans in their growth process.


4.Where can you most probably read this passage?

A In a science journal.

B In a science fiction.

C On the Internet.

D In a newspaper.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章第一段The People’s Daily Online reports可知,本文发表在了网站上,故选C。