

There’s a very special apple tree garden in Ukraine. There is only one tree in the garden. However, the 220-year-old tree is so large that it covers about 10 acres(英亩). It is known as the “apple tree colony(殖民地)”.  

At first, the tree is a common tree, with no difference from other trees. But as it grew older, its big branches(树枝) began to touch the ground. Then they rooted(生根) as well and became trunks(树干). There are lots of trunks now.

In spring, you can see pink flowers on half of those trunks. Flowers on the other half of the trunks will be seen next year. Apples from the tree—known as Lozovka —are not too big or too small but sweet.

There are different stories about this enormous tree. One story goes like this: There was once a prince. He liked the apple tree very much and often played under it. When he died, the tree was so sad for him that its branches bent to the ground. And finally it grew into the apple tree colony. It is said that the prince was buried under this tree in 1848. His gravestone(墓碑) is still can be found there today.

In 1998, the tree went under protection of the country.


1.When was the apple tree planted?

A In the 20th century.

B In the 19th century.

C In the 18th century.

D In the 17th century.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第一段第三句的“However, the 220-year-old tree...”可知,这棵树在220年前种的,由此推断该树种植于大约 1802 年,即19世纪。故选 B。

2.How could the tree become so big?

A It had a special garden.

B In the 19th century.It could touch the ground.

C Its big branches became trunks.

D Its roots went deep into the ground.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知,这棵树的大枝丫变成了树干,并且全树现在有几十根树 干,由此可见是因为枝丫变成了树干,这棵树才变得这么大的。故选 C。

3.What colour are the flowers of the apple tree?

A Red.

B White.

C Yellow.

D Pink.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第三段的“In spring, you can see pink flowers...”可知,苹果树的花是粉色的。故选 D。

4.What does the underlined word “enormous” mean?

A Large.

B Common.

C Different.

D Young.

解析:选A。A 词义猜测题。上文一直在谈论这棵苹果树很大,因此这里要讲的是关于这棵巨大苹果树的故 事。故选 A。

5.Why did the tree’s branches touch the ground according to the story?

A Because it was big.

B Because it liked playing.

C Because it felt sad.

D Because it was protected.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第四段的“When he died, the tree was so sad for him that its branches bent to the ground. ”可知,当王子死后,这棵树感到很悲伤,因此它把枝丫都弯向了地面。故选 C。