美国最伟大喜剧演员罗宾•威廉姆斯自缢身亡 !
美国最伟大喜剧演员罗宾•威廉姆斯自缢身亡 !


Robin Williams was found hanged after telling friends he had “serious money troubles” and had sought treatment for depression in the weeks before his death, it was reported.

The 63-year-old actor, who was once considered to be worth £75 million, had complained of losing a large amount of his fortune in alimony(赡养费)payments to his two former wives, and had been trying to sell his 600-acre farm in California to raise much-needed funds.

Police said Williams had been found dead in a bedroom at his home, and had cut his left wrist several times with a penknife before dying of asphyxiation(窒息).

According to a family friend quoted by the US website Radar Online: “All he could talk about were serious money troubles…Robin was known for being so generous to his friends and family during the height of his success, and would help anyone out that needed it. There was also frustration that Robin expressed at having to take television and movie roles he didn’t want to take, but had to for the pay cheque.”

A friend of 30 years who saw him at dinner this week said “something did not seem right”, though he added that the actor was known to suffer from mood swings.

Stellan Skarsgard, who appeared with him in the Oscar-winning Good Will Hunting in 1997, said: “People take their own lives for many different reasons, and it's not unusual among comedians that the comedy is a way of keeping away from the darkness. That may have been the case with him."

Williams’s close friend and fellow comic actor Chevy Chase said: “Robin and I were great friends, suffering from the same little-known disease: depression. I never could have expected this ending to his life…I cannot believe this. I am overcome with sorrow.”

In an interview in 2010 the actor said he had only thought seriously about suicide once, but told himself: "Have you noticed that things are pretty good even though you're not working right now?"


1.What was Robin Williams’ money trouble?

A He had no money to run his big farm.

B His former wives took all the money away from him.

C He was so generous that he gave all his money to his friends.

D He couldn’t afford to pay alimony to his former wives.

解析:选D。D。细节理解题。根据文章第二段…losing a large amount of his fortune in alimony payments to his two former wives, … to raise much-needed funds可知,威廉姆斯遇到的经济困难是为前妻支付高额的赡养费,他原来的积蓄基本花完,还要卖掉庄园筹款。

2.What made Robin Williams feel frustrated?

A He had so many friends to help out every day.

B He had to play television or movie roles though he didn’t like to.

C He had to work hard to be successful.

D He had to make money to support his family.

解析:选B。B。细节理解题。根据文章第四段…frustration that Robin expressed at having to take television and movie roles he didn’t want to take可知,威廉姆斯所谓的挫折感在于他不得不为了挣钱而拼命演戏,尽管他不愿意接戏。这让他身心疲惫。

3.What does “darkness” refer to in Paragraph Six?

A The money trouble Robin had.

B The color of the night.

C The comedy Robin didn’t want to play.

D The Oscar prize Robin won in 1997.

解析:选A。A。词义理解题。根据语境可知,威廉姆斯遇到了经济困难,这成了他挥之不去的梦魇。他演喜剧其实是为了掩饰心中的郁闷和不快。由此判断,此处的darkness指的是他的money trouble。故选A。

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A It was not surprising that Williams would commit suicide.

B People suffering from depression will end their lives in the end.

C There was some sign before Williams take his own life.

D It was money problem that led to Williams’ death.

解析:选C。C。推理判断题。根据文章第五段威廉姆斯的老朋友说他“something did not seem right”可以判断,他自杀前是有征兆的,他的不同寻常的举止没有被人们理解,只是被当作情绪波动而已。

5.What can be the best title of the passage?

A Robin Williams Ended Himself for His Wives.

B Death of a Comedy Actor.

C Depression Killed Former Oscar Winner.

D Memories of Robin Williams.
