

Strong economic growth in Asia has lifted millions of people out of poor economic conditions. But some environmental activists say it has also hurt the area's environment. The International Union for Conservation of Nature(国际自然保护联合会) met in Bangkok, Thailand recently for three days. The group urged Asian countries to work together to protect the environment. It warned that, if they fail to do so, many plants and animals will become extinct.

Asia produces about 40 percent of global economic activity and two thirds of global growth. About 60 percent of the world's population lives in Asia. Experts predict 3.3 billion people will live in Asian cities by 2050. About 1.9 billion live in the urban areas of Asia now.

Asia's economic development has hurt its environment. Experts say more than 1,400 plants and animals in the area are endangered. In other words, they could soon no longer exist. About 95 per cent of Southeast Asia's coral reefs(珊瑚礁) are at risk. And, wetlands that once covered tens of thousands of kilometers of shorelines(海岸线) are disappearing faster in Asia than anywhere else in the world.

Zhang Xinsheng is president of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. He says the planet needs new efforts .Yeshey Dorji is the Minister for Agriculture and Forests in Bhutan. He says it will not be easy to make people consider the long-term effects of their actions on the planet.

Officials with the International Union for Conservation of Nature say 2015 is a turning point for Asia. The Asia Regional director of the IUCN, Aban Marker Kabraji, says an urgent effort is needed. He says Asian countries need to take the energy that fueled 50 years of economic growth and use it to secure the well-being of both nature and humans.


1.We can know from the first paragraph that______.

A Asian people have come out of their poor conditions

B Asian countries are fighting to protect the environment

C Asian’s economic growth has some bad effect on the environment of the area

D Asian countries are working together to promote their economy


2.The underlined word “extinct” in the first paragraph probably means______.

A 繁盛的

B 灭绝的

C 成长的

D 熄灭的


3.What is the worst thing Asian countries face with the development of economy?

A About 60 percent of the world population live in Asian.

B 3.3 billion people in Asia will live in cities by 2050.

C About 95 percent of Asia’s wetlands are disappearing.

D More than 1,400 plants and animals are endangered.


4.Who emphasized on people’s understanding of their action on the environment?

A Zhang Xinsheng.

B Yeshey Dorji.

C Aban Marker Kabraji.

D None.

解析:选B。细节理解题。 锁定在第5段第3句,农业兼森林部长Yeshey Dorji说,很难让人们相信,他们的所作所为对环境的影响。他强调让人们理解他们的行为对环境所造成的影响是很重要的,故选B。

5.Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?

A Plants and Animals are endangered in Asia

B International Union for Conservation of Nature Met in Bangkok

C Asian Countries Should Slow Down their Economy Growth

D Economic Growth and the Environment in Asian
