

Washington was the first president(总统) of the U.S. He was very clever when he was still a 12-year-old-boy. One day a man took some money from Uncle Post. The door of the house was good, and things in the room were good too. Washington though that the man must live near them.

When all the people were in a room, the child said, "We don't know who took the money but God does. God asks his wasp(黄蜂) to tell good from bad. Every night the wasp flies among us but few people know it…" Then, suddenly(突然) Washington cried out, "Look! The wasp is on the bad one’s hat."

All the people in the room began to talk and watch. Everybody turned to look for the bad one. But soon the room became quiet. All eyes were on a man, he was trying hard to drive the "Wasp" off his hat. "Now we know who took the money," Washington said with a smile.


1.Washington was the_____president of the U.S.

A first

B second

C third

D fourth

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第1段第1句Washington was the first president of the U.S.可知,故选A。

2.A man took some ______from Uncle Post.

A flowers

B money

C food

D books

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第1段第3句One day a man took some money from Uncle Post.可知,故选B。

3.The underlined word(划线词语) “the child ” refers to(指)_____________.

A Uncle Post’s son

B Washington’s son

C Uncle Post

D Washington


4.Which is RIGHT?

A Washington had a wasp.

B Someone took Washington’s money.

C There was not a real wasp on the man’s hat.

D Washington became president at the age of 12.


5.The underlined word “tell” means______in Chinese.

A 告诉

B 讲诉

C 辨别

D 诉说
