

It’s long been thought that in order to succeed in life you need to think only of yourself and ignore the needs of others. New research, however, suggests the exact opposite is true and being nice to others actually makes you more likely to be successful. The scientists found that ‘givers’ were more likely to share knowledge, and in turn gain more information themselves.

Researchers divided participants into three groups based on a personality test: givers, takers and matchers. In a social dilemma

(困境)task, participants were given a made-up donation which was equal to the amount of £240 ($400). They were then asked to decide how much of their money they would give to a shared group pool.

They were told that the money in the pool would be doubled and divided equally among all group members. Thus, it would be more beneficial to the group as a whole if everyone contributed their individual donations. However, it would be more beneficial for the individual if everyone else from the group contributed, while the individual kept his or her own money.

The researchers used this strategic(策略的)information sharing task to examine how much and which pieces of information participants shared: the less important and already known information or the really important information only known by the individual. 

The results showed that givers are less self-oriented and self-loving than takers. Givers shared not only more money with the group, but they also shared important information. Takers on the other hand kept both the money as well as different types of information.

The findings suggest that it may not be enough to simply provide knowledge management tools in order to make the best of knowledge exchange in a group of people. It may be necessary for leaders and managers to keep in mind the personality styles of their employees. Specifically, they should be aware that takers may keep the important information for themselves.


1.What was the traditional idea about success?

A You should only pay attention to your own need.

B You should understand what other people needed.

C You should be kind to others.

D You should share what you have with others.

解析:选A。A。细节理解题。根据文章首句It’s long been thought that in order to succeed in life you need to think only of yourself …可知,根据传统观点,要想获得成功,只需管好自己的事就行。

2.In what case would the individual benefit more?

A The individual and other members gave their donations to the group.

B The individual and other members kept their donations to themselves.

C Other members kept their donations while the individual contributed.

D The individual kept his donation while others contributed to the group.

解析:选D。D。细节理解题。根据文章第三段…it would be more beneficial for the individual if everyone else from the group contributed, while the individual kept his or her own money可知,当同组其他所有人把手中的钱捐出去,而个体将该捐的那份保留,此时他获益最多。

3.What can we learn from the results of the personality test?

A Givers turned out to benefit as much as takers.

B Takers got more than givers in money and information.

C Sharing in turn brings more money and important information.

D Being self-oriented and self-loving is important.

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。根据文章第五段 Givers shared not only more money with the group, but they also shared important information.可以判断,给与者得到的更多:在与他人分享的过程中得到了更为重要的信息,而这是获取者所得不到的。

4.What can be concluded in the last paragraph?

A Knowledge exchange in a company is not enough.

B Knowing the personality styles helps the development of the company.

C Leaders should not share any information with his employees.

D Employees often keep important information to themselves.

解析:选B。B。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段It may be necessary for leaders and managers to keep in mind the personality styles of their employees,结合前面的个性测试判断,熟悉雇员的个性类型对于公司的发展是有益的。

5.If you are the editor, which column of the newspaper will you put this passage to?

A Entertainment.

B Science.

C Culture.

D Environment.
