

Kamala B.K. is tiny. She's only about 5 feet tall. As she walks past our house in the village of Tankut, we try to let her to come over and talk to us. But the 14-year-old run away.

"Because she's menstruating(女性生理期), she should not be entering another person's house. It's disrespectful," says Shrestha ,an old woman in Nepal.

The team is working with girls and women in western Nepal to end a tradition called chaupadi — that's make them go back for thousands of years: "When they are menstruating, no matter what, they stay outside, they eat outside and they sleep outside," Shrestha says.

Outside in sheds(小棚子). In Kamala's village the sheds has no walls, not even a roof. Kamala tells us she'll sleep in one of those sheds tonight. We ask her to come closer to talk, but she covers her face with her hands and won't move.

"She's afraid we are going to beat her," Shrestha says. Because Kamala believes that if she enters the house while she's menstruating, the people and animals will get sick. The gods will be angry. She will also be sick.


1.The story happens in _____.

A India

B Japan

C Nepal

D Iraq

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第三段第一句The team is working with girls and women in western Nepal to end a tradition called chaupadi可知是在尼泊尔,故选C。

2.Kamala B.K. is a _______girl.

A 12 year-old

B 13 year-old

C 14 year-old

D 15 year-old

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第三句But the 14-year-old run away.可知,故选C。

3.Why doesn’t Kamala B.K. come to the writer’s house?

A Because she doesn’t want to talk with the writer

B Because her parents are very strict and doesn’t let her meet strangers.

C Because it is against the tradition .

D Because she is very shy.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句Because she's menstruating, she should not be entering another person's house.可知,故选C。

4._______if Kamala enters the house when she is menstruating .

A She will die

B Her animals will die

C God won’t be happy

D The house will be on fire

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第五段第二句the people and animals will get sick. The gods will be angry .She will also be sick.可知,故选C。

5.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A Kamala is the tallest girl in the village.

B Kamala must stay outside while menstruating.

C Menstruating has been a tradition for hundreds of years.

D Kamala doesn’t like the tradition at all.

解析:选B。推理判断题。A选项称Kamala是村里最高的,由文章第一段第一句可知她很矮,错误;C选项说这些个传统有上百年了,根据第三段第一句that's make them go back for thousands of years可知是上千年了,错误;D选项文中没有提及,故选B。