

Billionaire businessman Donald Trump wants to stop automatically giving U.S. citizenship to anyone who is born in the United States.

Mr. Trump is the leading Republican presidential candidate(候选人). He says automatic citizenship is the reason many women come to the United States illegally and give birth. He wants to cancel the 14th Amendment(修正案) to the U.S. Constitution, which says "all persons born or naturalized in the United States" are citizens.

In five months, voters in some states will begin choosing the Republican Party's presidential nominee(被提名人). All of the seventeen Republican candidates have called for strong measures to stop people from entering the country illegally, especially from Mexico. But not all of them support ending automatic citizenship for people born in the United States.

The Center for Immigration Studies seeks to limit immigration to the United States. It says 30 of the world's 194 countries give citizenship to people born in their country. But the United States and Canada are the only two developed countries that do so. Some foreign women are entering the United States as what it calls "birth tourists." They are giving birth to 36,000 babies yearly so that their children can become American citizens.

Automatic citizenship for those born in the United States has been part of the country's laws since the colonies declared their independence from England in the late 1700s. But in 1857, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the children of slaves were not American citizens. The Constitution was amended after the Civil War in the 1860s. Anti-slavery northern states defeated pro-slavery southern states in the war. The Constitution was changed to make it clear that all black Americans and freed slaves were U.S. Citizens.


1.Why does Donald Trump suggest stopping automatic citizenship?

A Because he was not born in the United States.

B Because he was born in the United States.

C Because many women come to the United States illegally and give birth.

D Because he wanted to be the Republican Presidential Candidate.

解析:选C。细节理解题。由第2段…many women come to the United States illegally and give birth,故选C。

2.From the third paragraph we know that______.

A not all of the seventeen Republican candidates supported Donald’s suggestion

B the Republican Party has seventeen party members

C the Republican Party is calling for measures to stop illegal birth in America

D the Republican Party will end automatic citizenship

解析:选A。细节理解题。由第3段…But not all of them support ending automatic citizenship for people born in the United States. 可知,故选A。

3.What is the so-called “birth tourists”?

A Women traveling to America to get citizenship.

B Women entering the United States to give birth to babies.

C The 36,000 babies born in the United States every year.

D Babies born with the natural citizenship in the United States.

解析:选B。细节理解题。由第4段最后1句They are giving birth to 36,000 babies yearly so that their children can become American citizens.可知,美国把那些特意通过去美国生子而取得美国自然国籍的妇女叫:birth tourists,故选B。

4.From the last paragraph we know that the U.S. Constitution______.

A has been changing constantly

B has never been changed

C has been changed a lot

D has been changed several times accordingly


5.Where will you most probably find this passage?

A In textbooks.

B In newspapers.

C In travel guides.

D In Sport magazines.
