

American country music lyrics(歌词) often describe women as they might appear in men's dreams. This is especially true of songs by many male artists. But the songs by Maddie Marlow and Tae Dye are different. The two women perform as a duo (二重唱)called Maddie & Tae.

The two released their first music album last month. But they first gained recognition in the country music industry a year ago. That was when they released a song that made fun of the  lyrics in what has been called "bro-country" music.

The lyrics of "Girl in a Country Song" express how Maddie & Tae felt about the influence of "bro-country" music. They say the words often describe women as objects, not real people.

Their song reached the No. 1 position on the "Billboard" Country music charts late last year. It was the first song by a female duo to reach that place since 2006. Maddie Marlow says the song was a message. But she adds that she and Tae Dye never thought it would become so popular.

The two women grew up in the south central United States. They say that another country group, the Dixie Chicks, have influenced their music and songwriting. But Tae Dye says the duo felt pressured to release another song as successful as their first.

That second song turned out to be "Fly". It is a hopeful song about taking risks. Maddie Marlow says she and Tae Dye are happy with the choices they have made in their career.


1.What kind of music do Maddie & Tae write and sing?

A Jazz.

B The Blues.

C Country music.

D Soul music.

解析:选C。细节理解题。由第一段可知,本文讲述的是country music,她们的二重唱改变了原来的乡村音乐,故选C。

2.We can infer from the first two paragraphs that American country music songs often______.

A look down upon women

B look up to women

C care little about women

D make fun of women

解析:选A。推理判断题。第一段说美国乡村音乐从男人眼中看女人,第二段说这两个女人make fun of 男人们在乡村音乐中对女人的看法,由此可推断原来的乡村音乐对女人的态度,故选A。

3.What attitude do the female duo Maddie & Tae have towards “bro-country” music?

A Angry.

B Respectful.

C Disgusted.

D Critical.

解析:选D。观点态度题。由第三段可知,以前bro-country music里的歌词对女人是贬低的,她们二人对此持批评态度,在她们的音乐中表现了出来,故选D。

4.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A Their song reached No. 1 on the “Billboard” country music.

B “Girl in a Country Song” is the first song Maddie & Tae sang together.

C “Billboard ” country music was first released in America in 2006.

D Maddie & Tae knew their first song would be the first on the “Billboard”.


5.Maddie and Tae are now worrying about______.

A the name of their second song

B whether to release “Fly”

C whether their second song will also be successful

D what to do after September
