

The landmark success of herbal expert Tu Youyou, the first Chinese woman national to win a Nobel prize in science, has aroused an intense sense of national pride and hopes on the future of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Tu, born in 1930, shared the 2015 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine with Irish-born William Campbell and Japan’s Satoshi Omura for her discoveries concerning a therapy against malaria.

She discovered Artemisinin, a drug that has significantly reduced the death rates for patients suffering from malaria. “Artemisinin is a gift for the world people from the traditional Chinese medicine. It is of great significance for curing malaria and other infectious diseases and for protecting the health of the world people,” Tu said in Beijing. “ The discovery of Artemisinin is a successful example of collective research on traditional Chinese medicine. The prize winning is an honor for China’s science cause and traditional Chinese medicine in their course of reaching out to the world.” 

“Tu’s winning the prize signifies China’s prosperity and progress in scientific and technological field, marks a great contribution of traditional Chinese medicine to the cause of human health, and showcases China’s growing strengths and rising international standing,” Premier Li Keqiang said in a congratulatory letter Monday evening.

In 2011, Tu became the first scientist on the mainland to win America’s respected Lasker Award for the anti-malaria therapy. Graduating from the Beijing Medical College in 1955, she is chief researcher and professor at the Beijing-based China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences.

On China’s Twitter-like Sina Weibo, the breaking news has been forwarded by at least tens of thousands of users and received numerous “thumb-ups.” Netizen “Shengxiaxohuiyi” wrote, “ Now I feel truly proud of being a medical student.” 


1.Why is Tu Youyou’s winning considered as the landmark success?

A Because she is the first Chinese national to win the Nobel prize in science.

B Because she arouses an intense sense of national pride and hopes.

C Because she improves the future of traditional Chinese medicine.

D Because she shares the Nobel prize with Japan’s Satoshi Omura.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第1段第1句的...the first Chinese woman national to win a Nobel prize in science可知第一个在中国本土成长的获得诺贝尔奖的药学家,这是里程碑式的成功,故选A。

2.People use Artemisinin to ______.

A control death rates of patients in hospital

B reach out to the different parts of world

C cure patients suffering from the malaria

D make people work on Chinese medicine

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章第2段第3句的It is of great significance for curing malaria and other infectious diseases and for protecting the health of the world people可以得知青蒿素是用来治疗病人疟疾的药品,故选C。

3.What Premier Li Keqiang said in the third paragraph means ______.

A he encouraged scientists to seek progress in technological projects

B he wanted to show the world China’s rising international standing

C he contributed traditional Chinese medicine to the human health

D he praised medical researchers for their work and achievements.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第3段Tu’s winning the prize signifies China’s prosperity and progress in scientific and technological field, marks…可以推知该段的李克强总理对中国医疗工作者取得的成绩和他们的付出作出赞美,故选D。

4.How old was Tu Youyou when she received Lasker Award?

A 85

B 81

C 45

D 25

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第1段第2句的Tu, born in 1930可以得知她是1930年出生的;结合第4段第1句的In 2011, Tu became the first scientist on the mainland to win America’s respected Lasker Award for the anti-malaria therapy可以得知在2011年他获得了拉斯克奖;那一年她81岁,故选B。

5.What is the best title of the passage?

A Cheers, hopes as Chinese pharmacologist wins landmark Nobel prize

B William Campbell, Satoshi Ōmura and Youyou Tu win Nobel prize

C The discovery of Artemisinin is a very successful example of research

D The breaking news makes at least tens of thousands of people excited
