

   A hunter, who crawled for days through dense wilderness in search of help, is recovering in hospital. Alone, John Sain had to dig deep to survive for almost four days in remote wilderness, with little food and water.
The experienced hunter said he’s been camping alone since he was 13 years old. But after following a strong elk deep into the woods Thursday morning, something happened Sain couldn’t have anticipated. “I stepped up on a log, there were two long logs, and my foot trapped in between them,” he said. “I went forward and it hit the bottom bone of my right leg, which was broken into halves.”
Sain had no cell service and was miles from the trail, but after writing emotional goodbye letters to his wife and two children, he made a decision. He used sticks and cloth to make a splint for his injured right leg. Then, he began to crawl.
“For two and a half days I drug myself out of there,” said Sain. He had a survival kit with him, a little food and a water purifier. Each night, he would light a fire for warmth. But by Sunday, his fourth day alone, he started to break down.
That afternoon, two men on motorcycles happened to come across him injured on the trail. One of those men called for help. McCall Fire and Rescue was sent out to find Sain. Over the phone, a McCall firefighter told people to clear the way for Life Flight to land in the dense wilderness. Sain was sent to hospital for treatment. He’s expected to be in the hospital for the next few days as he continues to heal.
Despite everything that happened, Sain says he will go out hunting alone again, but next time with a satellite phone or GPS locator. He says his story should be a reminder to others to be very prepared when heading out into the wilderness. Be sure to tell someone where you’re going and when you plan to arrive home. Always carry a survival kit in case something goes wrong.


1.How did John Sain get hurt?

A He was trapped by a strong elk.

B His leg was damaged by a long log.

C He was caught by the fallen camp.

D He was cut into halves by woods.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句的I went forward and it hit the bottom bone of my right leg, which was broken into halves可知是长木棍把他的腿打断了。故选B。

2.What decision did Sain make after he was injured?

A He wrote emotional goodbye letters.

B He would try to find the cell service.

C He was going to make his way to trail.

D He wanted to cure his injured right leg.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第三段第二句和第三句的He used sticks and cloth to make a splint for his injured right leg. Then, he began to crawl.可知他的决定是做一个夹板绑在自己受伤的右腿上,然后爬着奔向小路。故选C。

3.The fourth paragraph mainly tells us ______.

A what equipment Sain brought

B when Sain could not hold on

C where Sain stayed for two days

D how Sain survived when traveling

解析:选D。主旨大意题。从文章第四段的He had a survival kit with him, a little food and a water purifier. Each night, he would light a fire for warmth.可以得知该段主要讲述的是他是如何生存下来的。故选D。

4.How was Sain carried to the hospital?

A By motorcycle.

B By bus.

C By car.

D By plane.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第五段第四句的Over the phone, a McCall firefighter told people to clear the way for Life Flight to land in the dense wilderness可知,他们让人们清理地方以让飞机降落,从中可推知Sain是被飞机送到医院的。故选D。

5.What experience does Sain learn from his disaster?

A He should get ready for journeys.

B He won’t go hunting again alone.

C He needs to arrive home on time.

D He must keep nothing go wrong.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段第二句的He says his story should be a reminder to others to be very prepared when heading out into the wilderness.可知他的教训就是要做好充分的准备。故选A。