

It’s almost impossible to believe it’s the same person. A homeless Peruvian has been given an astonishing completely change in appearance by his local community. Don Luciano Chuman, who was known as Ferreñafe’s “crazy man,” hadn’t washed or changed his clothes in years. The 83-year-old’s filthy long hair was seriously tied together and even smelt terrible, and he walked along the streets with nobody caring about him at first.

It’s not clear exactly why the Peregrin Evangelical Church decided to step in earlier this month, seeing as he’s been without a place to live in for some time. But members took him in, exchanged his broken and dirty clothes for fresh ones and washed him up with a shave and a neat new haircut. Social services have also now agreed to provide him with food on a regular basis. And he’s been treated in hospital for various medical conditions and given cash and a national ID card. 

Photographs of his surprising transformation were to a local Ferrenafe community Facebook page. “It’s an act of humanity that sets an example to us all,” the city’s mayor Jacinto Muro Tavara has been quoted as saying. “Many others aside from Don Chuman need our help, though unfortunately we are often quite indifferent to them,” he said. “I applaud the local community’s action in carrying out this act of helping the people who are in great need of help,” he added. “I am so glad of heart to hear a story like this. I do hope that this same community will not allow this elderly gentlemen to fall back in to the cracks. I hope some of the folks continue to follow his care. I suspect he may need life-long support of this kind. But it does a heart good to know that there are still some folks willing to do something for someone else without expecting some form of compensation. Everyone should take a lesson from this story I think!”


1.The underlined word “filthy” in the first paragraph means______.

A healthy

B dirty

C short

D bright

解析:选B。B。词义推测题。根据第一段第三句的...long hair was seriously tied together and even smelt terrible...可知他的头发都缠在一起,并且气味难闻,据此可以推知他的头发很“脏”,因此那个单词的意思为dirty。

2.What did the Peregrin Evangelical Church do to help the old man?

A They gave him a nice place to live in.

B They washed the broken clothes for him.

C They have given him some new clothes.

D They walked around the streets with him.

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。根据第二段第二句But members took him in, exchanged his broken and dirty clothes for fresh ones...可知,他们给流浪汉买了新衣服。

3.What is the main idea of passage two?

A How people helped the homeless man.

B Why the old man was sent to hospital.

C How often the old man can get foods.

D When social services will come again.


4.What did the city’s mayor think of people’s action?

A He thought it was surprising.

B He believed it was a good deed.

C He guessed everyone would like it.

D He didn't like helping the poor.

解析:选B。B。推理判断题。根据第三段第二句的It’s an act of humanity that sets an example to us all...可知,他认为那些人的行为是一种很人性化的行为,因此这是一件很好的事情。

5.What is Jacinto Muro Tavara’s wish?

A People should give some form of compensation.

B The kind people should enjoy life-long support.

C Some folks should take a lesson from the elderly.

D The kind of kind help should be continued again.

解析:选D。D。推理判断题。根据文章第三段第七句的I hope some of the folks continue to follow his care可知他希望这种善良的举动能够继续。