

   Community supported agriculture farms, or CSAs, seek people who pay in advance for fresh vegetables and fruits. One farmer has now expanded his CSA program to a law firm in New York City. The busy lawyers there are loving the service.

   The Glebocki family has been in the farming business since 1894. But staying in business is not easy. Farming requires a lot of money for seeds and equipment at the beginning of the growing season. And farmers do not know how much money they will get for their crops at the end of the season. They are also not sure if anyone will buy what they grow.

   John Glebocki, the current farm owner, has one solution to these problems: community supported agriculture. CSAs are partnerships between farmers and community members. Mr. Glebocki also offers his CSA program to businesses and delivers directly to offices.

   Customers pay $525 in advance for 22 weeks of fresh fruits and vegetables—all picked at their peak.

   "Many different types of root vegetables, different types of greens, seasonal items like the tomatoes and sweet corn."

   Every Thursday, John Glebocki and his workers load the truck for the 96-kilometer trip to New York City. The driver and his fresh vegetables drive through the big city streets, then stop at the Winston and Strawn law firm(律师事务所).

   Renee Zimmerman and Rachel Benjamin work at the firm. They are also loyal CSA customers. "Everyone should join. It's a great way to keep our farmers in business to insure we continue to get fresh produce." "It's nice to get this fresh produce every Friday. I don't have to run to the grocery store, it's really convenient for me."

   And for farmer John Glebocki, the CSA gives some protection from the economic uncertainties of agriculture. He knows what he can grow and sell, and he knows what he will get for his crops. That stability can keep a family farm in business.


1.What is the Community supported agriculture program?

A It helps people to buy fresh vegetables and fruits.

B It expands farms.

C It seeks people to pay in advance for vegetables and fruits.

D It finds a law firm.


2.Traditionally, one specific difficulty for farmers is__________.

A how to stay in business

B to know how much they can earn

C to get the money for seeds

D to find customers

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。由第二段可知,作为农业来讲,其特殊的一点是收益的不确定性。

3.What is John Glebocki’s way to solve the traditional problems with farmers?

A He delivers his produce directly to offices.

B He picks all his produce at their peak.

C He plants various types of root vegetables.

D He receives money in advance for his fresh produce.

解析:选D。D。细节理解题。John Glebocki利用CSAs项目,让社区居民预先支付一笔钱,收获后,他再为客户们提供高质量的新鲜蔬果。

4.What’s the advantage of the CSA program from the customers’ view?

A They can get fresh vegetables conveniently.

B They are loyal to CSA.

C They don’t have to run a grocery.

D They can keep farmers in business.


5.The author of this passage is trying to tell us something about__________.

A how to get fresh vegetables

B a farmer John Glebocki

C the Winston and Strawn law firm

D the CSA program
