

    The World Health Organisation (世界卫生组织) warns that a billion teenagers and people in their twenties and thirties are damaging their hearing with loud music. It says nearly half the young people in richer countries risk hearing loss because of listening to music at "unsafe" levels. Loud music in nightclubs, bars and at sporting events increases the risk. The WHO says a safe limit is to listen to music for an hour a day. The WHO head for injury prevention said: "What we're trying to do is raise awareness of an issue that is not talked about enough." He said people can prevent hearing loss. 

    Turning the sound down and listening to music for less than one hour a day could save many people's hearing. However, the WHO head also said that, "even an hour can be too much if the sound is too loud". A biomedical researcher explained how noise can damage ears. He said: "Loud sounds damage your hearing by killing off thousands of little hair cells in the inner ear. The cells feel different…sounds through vibration…but they are very fragile and if they vibrate too much due to loud sounds for too long, they get damaged and die." He warned that if they die, they never regrow. 


1.What is damaging young people’s hearing according to WHO?

A Exercise.

B Study.

C Computers.

D Loud music.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第1段第1句The World Health Organisation (WHO世界卫生组织) warns that a billion teenagers and people ...are damaging their hearing with loud music.可知,故选D。

2.The safe limit to listen to music is_________.

A half an hour

B an hour

C two hours

D three hours

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第1段倒数第3句The WHO says a safe limit is to listen to music for an hour a day.可知,故选B。

3.The followings are possible to damage your hearing EXCEPT____________.

A music in nightclubs

B music in bars

C music at sporting events

D music at a concert

解析:选D。D 综合理解题。根据文章内容可知夜总会、酒吧、运动场所等地方的音乐会损坏听力,但根据常识可知音乐会的音乐不会对人的听力带来损坏,故选D。

4.Which is the most important to help us feel different sounds?

A Inner ear.

B Outer ear.

C Hair.

D Hair cells in inner ear.

解析:选D。D 综合理解题。根据第2段第4句He said: "Loud sounds damage your hearing by killing off thousands of little hair cells in the inner ear.可知,故选D。

5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A How can we hear

B How to prevent hearing loss

C Music damages our hearing

D Loud music damages our hearing

解析:选D。D 文章标题题。AB两项不是文章主要内容,不选;C项“音乐损伤听力”太过绝对,错误;D项“大音量音乐有损听力”契合文章内容,故选D。