

Guinea has closed its borders with Liberia and Sierra Leone to control the spread of Ebola, which has killed 959 people in the three countries.

The latest outbreak is thought to have begun in Guinea, but Liberia and Sierra Leone are now facing the largest number of new cases. The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday the spread of the virus was a global health emergency.

The Ebola virus is carried between humans through bodily fluids. Animals such as fruit bats have the virus, which can be carried to humans through contact with blood or eating of bush meat.

In recent weeks, countries around the world have advised their citizens not to travel to the affected countries. The infections have spread to Nigeria, which has recorded two deaths and several more cases. The total number of cases in the present outbreak reaches 1,779, the WHO said on Friday. The most recent numbers from 5 and 6 August showed 68 new cases and 29 deaths. They included 26 new cases in Sierra Leone and 38 in Liberia, but no new cases in Guinea, where the outbreak began.

Guinea said it was closing its borders in order to stop people from entering the country. “We have momentarily closed the borders between Guinea and Sierra Leone because of all the news that we have received from there recently,” Health Minister Remy Lamah told a news conference. He added that Guinea had also closed its border with Liberia.

Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia have already declared increasing levels of emergency over the spread of the virus. The most intense outbreak in Guinea was located in the region along the border with Liberia and Sierra Leone. The WHO had said the worst-affected area, which crosses the borders between the three countries, would be set apart and treated as a “unified zone”.

It is not clear what effect Guinea’s announcement will have on the decision.


1.How many people have been infected with Ebola recently according to the passage?

A 959

B 1779

C 29

D 68

解析:选D。D。细节理解题。根据文章第四段The most recent numbers from 5 and 6 August showed 68 new cases and 29 deaths可知,8月5—6日新增埃博拉病例68例,死亡29例。故选D。

2.What makes it more likely for someone to be infected with the Ebola virus?

A Eating the meat of an animal hunted in the forest.

B Talking to someone infected with Ebola through the phone.

C Watching an Ebola patient carried away by clinical workers.

D Working with someone who has infected with Ebola.

解析:选A。A。细节理解题。根据文章第三段…which can be carried to humans through contact with blood or eating of bush meat可知,埃博拉病毒的传染途径有体液、血液和森林肉—果蝠体内携带埃博拉病毒,这种病毒通过其他途径传染给森林动物,当人们使用猎物肉之后,埃博拉病毒传染给了人类。故选A。

3.What does the underlined word refer to in Paragraph Five?

A Liberia and Sierra Leone are now facing the largest number of new cases.

B There is an intense outbreak of Ebola in Liberia and Sierra Leone.

C People have been advised not to travel to countries affected with Ebola.

D Guinea closed its borders in order to stop people from entering the country.


4.What can be suggested in the passage?

A Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia are facing the biggest outbreak of Ebola.

B The area bordering Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia will be cut off from the world.

C An independent country will be set up across the boarders of the three countries.

D Guinea won’t allow people from other parts of the world to enter their country.


5.What is the author’s attitude toward Guinea’s decision to close its boarders?

A Enthusiastic.

B Disappointed.

C Doubtful.

D Negative.

解析:选C。C。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段It’s not clear …可知,现在尚无法预见关闭边界线的效果如何。由此判断,作者对于几内亚做出的闭关锁国、拒埃博拉病毒于国门之外的做法是持怀疑态度的。