

      When it comes to personal finance, our habits can really make or break us. When we’re able to adopt positive financial habits, the benefits are endless: a better credit score, less financial stress, a bigger savings account balance... Unfortunately, many of us have also taken on financial habits that could actually end up hurting us. Here are three financial habits you might want to consider breaking.

1. Spending more than you want to earn rewards points

      Provided they’re used responsibly, rewards credit cards can be an awesome thing. However, if you find yourself using a credit card just so you can get more points, you might be in for a world of trouble. One way you can break this bad habit is to only use your rewards card for regular, monthly expenses. Let’s say you decide to leave your card at home and only use it to make payments on your phone bill, which you then pay back in full every month.

2. Ignoring your bills

        Coming home to a big pile of bills is a drag, there’s no doubt about it. But tossing them onto the coffee table and ignoring them for weeks on end can have terrible consequences for your financial well-being. Whenever you find yourself faced with a bill, do with it immediately. While it might be a bit of a struggle at first, over time you can get the rewards of having less financial stress.

3. Cycling your debt without fixing the real problem

       While having a lower interest rate can help solve short-term problems for you, if you do it all the time you could be avoiding the possible problem. In fact, it might even be keeping you from coming to terms with the behaviors that are forcing you into a long-lasting state of debt. Building a budget could help you uncover ways to cut back and save.

       For most of us, changing our behavior isn’t as simple as turning off a switch, so it may take a lot of time and effort. Starting is the hardest part but, I can assure you, it gets easier with time.


1.How can good financial habits benefit us?

A They bring us great financial stress.

B They lower our credit scores.

C They help increase our savings account balance.

D They help us spend less money than we need.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句的 ...the benefits are endless: a better credit score, less financial stress, a bigger savings account balance 可 知好的理财习惯可以带来良好的信用评分、减小经济压力、增加储蓄余额等。故选 C。

2.What may make using credit cards troublesome?

A Leaving cards at home.

B Using cards for monthly expenses.

C Making the payments on the phone.

D Using cards only to get more points.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第二段第二句的 However, if you find yourself using a credit card just so you can get more points, you might be in for a world of trouble 可知,如果你在使用信用卡的时候总是想着赚积分,那你可能就会遇到麻烦。故选 D。

3.What’s the author’s suggestion for receiving bills?

A Taking them home.

B Placing them on the table.

C Paying them without delay.

D Struggling with them a little bit.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第三段第三句的 Whenever you find yourself faced with a bill, do with it immediately 可知,收到账单后就要马上处理,也就是要马上支付账单。故选 C。

4.To avoid being in debt, people need to _________.

A plan their expenses

B take a lot of effort

C turn off a switch

D have a lower interest

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据文章第四段第三句的Building a budget could help you uncover ways to cut back and save 可知,制定预算可以帮助你找到减少开支和节省开支的方法,要想避免欠债,就 要对自己的花费有一个计划。故选 A。