

The Bank of England has warned that British people are making use of up to £3billion in cash, with much of that currency hidden down the back of sofas or stored under a mattress. Experts believe that the average family has approximately £345 hidden around the house. According to the Bank of England, one in six Britons has cash hidden around the home, forcing them to increase the number of banknotes to meet the need. 

This growth in the amount of cash in the home comes despite a rise in the popularity of electronic payment choices as Apple Pay. The incredibly poor return on interest and the £85,000 cap on compensation in the event of a bank collapse is encouraging people to store money in their own homes.

According to the Bank of England, for such action to be considered not reasonable, those that are keeping cash at home must be gaining a non-financial benefit they value greater than the financial returns and physical security offered by a deposit account.

The Bank of England said people wanted to keep the cash in their own homes to provide peace of mind. Richard Jolly of the London School told The Independent: “Human beings hate losing and when they do they behave irrationally. Keeping money at home is an absurd thing to do but it makes us really taking more risks. It is not rational, it might get stolen and it is not earning any interest but money is like a child's comfort blanket for adults. It might not ward off the monsters but it makes us feel better. It is an emotional feeling of being in control. 


1.What made the Bank of England increase the number of banknotes?

A The rise in the popularity of electronic payment.

B Much of the currency was hidden in the corners.

C People were using as much as £3 billion in cash.

D The sofas and the mattress kept money easily.

解析:选B。B。细节理解题。根据第一段第一句的...with much of that currency hidden down the back of sofas or stored under a mattress可知,是因为好多的钱都被民众藏起来了,所以导致英国银行必须要多发行现钞。

2.The British people hate to store money in bank because _______.

A the interest is high if the number is small

B the compensation is small if there’s danger

C they are very lazy when they work in banks

D the Apple Pay is convenient when using

解析:选B。B。推理判断题。根据第二段第二句的The incredibly poor return on interest and the £85,000 cap(上限) on compensation in the event of a bank collapse...可知如果银行破产,客户收到的赔偿会很少。

3.What is the main idea of the paragraph Three?

A People shouldn't put cash at home.

B Physical security was offered in bank.

C Some actions are reasonable at homes.

D Only interesting people have money.

解析:选A。A。主旨大意题。从第三段的According to the Bank of England, for such action to be considered not reasonable...可以得知有人把钱放在家里是不理智的,因此该段的主旨是说人们不应该把钱放在家里。

4.What trouble would people get if people keep money at home?

A People would get irrational.

B People would get emotional soon.

C The money would be stolen.

D The money would be out of control.

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。根据第四段第四句的It is not rational, it might get stolen...可知把钱放在家里会面临被偷的危险。

5.The writer used the example of “a child's blanket” to _______.

A remind people of happy childhood lasting in their memory

B show those people do not care about the interest any longer

C tell blankets might ward off the monsters in children’s stories

D explain people’s state of mind for keeping money at home

解析:选D。D。写作目的题。根据文章最后一段最后两句的It might not ward off the monsters but it makes us feel better. It is an emotional feeling of being in control可知作者用孩子的毯子的例子来解释人们把钱放在家里的心态:虽然不能有什么帮助,但是至少心理上会感觉到安全。