

Thanks to a loyal setter and a group of volunteers, two dogs were found safe after a week lost in the woods in the state of Washington. Tillie, the kind dog, stayed with her doggie friend Phoebe for a week. She left each day to go and find help. Phoebe, a basset hound, was trapped in a dry concrete pool in a ravine where Tillie stood guard.

The nonprofit animal rescue organization Vashon Island Pet Protectors had posted photos of the dogs on their Facebook page, hoping someone would spot them. On Sept. 14, they received a call saying that while they were out on their property, a "reddish" dog had come up to them a few times, before promptly heading back into a ravine.

Based on the tip, volunteers made their way into the ravine, said Amy Carey with VIPP. After a bit of searching, the volunteers heard a small response when they called out to Tillie. A few minutes later they found her lying beside the old pool with her head resting on the concrete wall. "They knew that meant Phoebe was inside the well. Every breath was held and every doggie prayer offered that the effort of searching the well would end in finding her safe," Carey said. Both dogs were cold and hungry but are doing well.

Carey reminds people who lose their dogs to keep looking. "Hope is an awfully hard thing to keep open and alive in the face of heartbreak, but it is so important for happy endings for missing pets." she said.


1.Why did Tillie leave her friend every day?

A Because she wanted to stay with her friend Phoebe.

B Because she tried to find someone to save Phoebe.

C Because she acted as a guard near the concrete pool.

D Because she was trapped by a group of volunteers.

解析:选B。B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第三句的She left each day to go and find help可知,这只小狗每天都离开是为了寻求帮助把自己的朋友救出来。

2.The underlined word “setter” may refer to ______.

A the dog

B the volunteer

C the wood

D the group

解析:选A。A。词义推测题。根据文章第一段第二句的...Tillie, the kind dog可知,那条忠诚的小狗来帮助自己的朋友,据此可以推知setter的意思应该是一种“狗”。

3.Vashon Island Pet Protectors posted photos of the dog in order to ______.

A find the owner of the dog

B praise the loyal and clever dog

C show how to save the dog

D look for the dog which was lost

解析:选D。D。细节理解题。根据第二段第一句...hoping someone would spot them可以得知他们发帖子是想寻找丢失的小狗。

4.Why was every breath held when people found the trapped dog?

A Because they were worried about her safety.

B Because they found her resting on the wall.

C Because they didn't hear any response at all.

D Because they discovered the dogs doing well.

解析:选A。A。推理判断题。根据第三段倒数第二句...offered that the effort of searching the well would end in finding her safe...可知,他们因为担心小狗的安全而屏住呼吸。

5.What does Carey suggest people who lose their dogs doing?

A They should face the heartbreaking ending.

B They should only keep the dogs in concrete.

C They should try their best to find their dogs.

D They should tell others the importance of pets.

解析:选C。C。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段第一句Carey reminds people who lose their dogs to keep looking可知,她提醒丢失狗的人要一直寻找。