

    Japan's new security bills not only broke Japan's promise to the world after World War II, but also betrayed its own people, formerly protected by a pacifist constitution.

    Japan abandoned 70 years of peaceful defense with the controversial legislation pushed forward by the government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, which allows Japan to deploy troops to foreign battlefields so long as its allies are under attack or Japan claims to feel threatened.

    The international community and neighboring countries are very worried by Japan's shift to the right, and ordinary Japanese people are scared that the country might be led astray again just as militarists(军国主义者)did 84 years ago.

    Japanese troops provoked the "Mukden" incident on Sept. 18, 1931 when they blew up China's railway near Shenyang in northeast China and accused Chinese army of destruction as an excuse for attack. The incident began the full-scale invasion of China that lasted for 14 years.

    The war imposed 35 million casualties on the Chinese people, while Japan endured a death toll of 3 million with its territory bombarded into the ground.

    In the past few weeks, many demonstrators, the maximum number of which exceeded one million in a single day, have walked to the streets to oppose the bills.

    The majority of Japanese are clearly aware of what they are truly willing to fight for—a prosperous life with the prospect of sustainable growth and a peaceful external environment, so that Japan, with its resource-poor setting, can continue to work with its neighbors and participate in the international division of labor.

    Today's Japanese people enjoy a decent life thanks to their perseverance and hard work, but they should never forget Japan's swift rise as a technology and economic power was largely due to the fact that it had abandoned the militarist mentality and embraced peace with less military costs.

    Japan's focus on economic growth and democratic reform led to its accomplishments, and the Japanese people know they should uphold peace, development and cooperation.

    The Abe administration's arbitrary behavior in forcing through the bills has undermined Japan's democratic ideals. It was condemnable and unpopular, and will face strong opposition from both the international community and the Japanese people.


1.What does the author imply by saying “...its own people, were formerly protected by a pacifist constitution” in paragraph 1?

A The constitution prohibited Japanese troops to attend any oversees war, hence protected Japanese.

B The constitution was so powerful that it could protect all Japanese people.

C Without the protection of this constitution, Japan will be invaded soon.

D The new security bills will soon cause conflicts even wars with other nations.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。通过推理A选项可知The constitution prohibited Japanese troops to attend any oversees war, hence protected Japanese 和平宪法禁止日本军队参加海外战争,因此保护了日本人的生命安全,符合逻辑推理也符合事实,因此选A,其他几个选择不符合事实或与本题没有直接关系。

2.What does the word“undermined”mean in the last paragraph?

A lessen

B destroy

C relieve

D strengthen

解析:选B。B 判断词义题。根据上下文The Abe administration's arbitrary behavior in forcing through the bills has undermined Japan's democratic ideals可知,安倍政府强行通过法案的专断行为破坏了作为民主典范的日本形象,可推测B是正确答案,其他意思不符合上下文。

3.Why did Japanese troops stir up the "Mukden" incident ?

A In order to protect Japan’s interests.

B In order to punish Chinese army.

C In order to build a prosperous East Asia.

D In order to invade and occupy China.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据历史可知,日本处心积虑侵略中国,给中国人民造成了深重的灾难,另外,文章第四段提到日本借口中国军队破坏铁路而发起进攻,进而对中国进行长达14年的全面入侵和占领,可知D是正确答案。

4.Which is not true according to the report?

A Japan will probably attend an oversee war in the near future.

B Together with China, America also criticizes Japan's new security bills.

C It’s very important for Japan to continue to work with its neighbors and participate in the international division of labor.

D Many Japanese are worried that their lives will be affected by the new security bills.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。纵观全文,没有看到答案B 的内容:Together with China, America also criticizes Japan's new security bills美国和中国一道批评日本的新防卫法案。 事实上,如果关心时事,可知美国非但不批评,反而出于私利鼓励日本修改防卫法,因此答案B不正确,其他几个选择符合报道或符合事实。

5.What is the main idea of this report?  

A Japanese troops invaded China cruelly.

B Neighboring countries strongly criticized Japanese government.

C Japan's new security bills arouse fierce opposition at home and abroad.

D Japan’s quick rise was caused mainly by its pacifist constitution.

解析:选C。C 主旨大意题。综合文章可知,安倍内阁强行通过了可以对外派兵的法案,违背了日本和平宪法,遭到了国内外的强烈反对,因此C是最佳答案。