

    President Xi Jinping on Thursday(September  17, 2015)said that China is committed to working with the United States to build a new type of major-power relationship.

    If the goal can be achieved, it will be good for the people of China and the United States, as well as for world peace and development, said Xi when meeting with a group of U.S. business leaders and former U.S. officials.

    While saying that China and the U.S. share broad common interests, Xi acknowledged that there are some differences, too. Both sides, he said, must accommodate each other's core interests, avoid strategic miscalculation(误判), and properly manage and control differences.

    Xi said the slowdown of China's economic growth is the result of the country's development pattern transformation and economic restructuring(结构调整).

    "We will continue to deepen economic reform and ensure that the market will play a decisive role in allocating resources," he said.

    He added the economy still has great potential and is capable of maintaining medium- to high-speed growth.

    The president called on both sides to strengthen macroeconomic(宏观经济的)policy coordination and work together to promote global economic growth.

    He also suggested that trade and investment facilitation be pushed, and hoped the U.S. business community would support China's reform and opening up.

    Mentioning his upcoming state visit to the U.S., Xi said he was ready to have a profound exchange of views with President Barack Obama on major issues of common concern.

    He hoped that the visit will deepen friendship between the two peoples, expand pragmatic(务实的)cooperation and push forward the development of China-U.S. ties.

    The U.S. representatives who addressed the meeting included Thomas Donohue, head of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce; Tamara L. Lundgren, president, chief executive officer and director of Schnitzer Steel Industries Inc.; former U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez; and John Thornton, chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Brookings Institution.

    The U.S. business community is committed to enhancing bilateral economic and trade cooperation, and stands for an early conclusion of bilateral investment treaty, according to the representatives.

They praised the role the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and China's Belt and Road Initiative would have to global economic development.


1.What can we infer from the report?

A An early conclusion of bilateral investment treaty will be reached shortly.

B Differences between the two countries will become less.

C More measures will be taken to enhance the exchange and cooperation between America and China.

D It’s impossible to maintain medium- to high-speed growth in China.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。习近平访美是中美的大事,也事关全世界的和平和发展,结合中美双方有意营造的友好氛围,可以推知双方随后会采取措施进一步促进交流与合作。A选项说能很快达成协定是不现实的;B选项说分歧会变小,这也很难说;D选项与中国政府高层的一再表态以及中国的实情不符。

2.What does the underlined word“profound”mean in Paragraph 9?

A Absolute.

B Deep.

C Important.

D Friendly.

解析:选B。B 判断词义题。根据本句...Xi said he was ready to have a profound exchange of views with President Barack Obama on major issues of common concern. 可知,习近平说,他准备与美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马就共同关心的重大问题深入交换意见,可知B为最佳答案。

3.Whom does Xi Jinping talk to in the meeting?

A U.S. business giants and former officials.

B U.S. business leaders and present officials.

C U.S. business leaders.

D Both A and B.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第二段...when meeting with a group of U.S. business leaders and former U.S. Officials,可知习近平会见的是美国商界领袖和前政要,所以A为最佳答案。

4.Which of the following is not true according to the report?

A The delegation includes many American celebrities.

B Some representatives make speeches at the meeting.

C The U.S. does not attach importance to the meeting because no present high officials arrive.

D The delegation speaks highly of AIIB and China's Belt and Road Initiative.

解析:选C。C 细节判断题。A、B、D都符合报告,C中虽然现任政要没有与会,但这并不表明美方不重视,所以选C。

5.What does this report mainly talk about?  

A Chinese President Xi meets with an American delegation.

B Xi Jinping vows to strengthen the friendship between China and the U.S.

C Chinese President Xi will visit the U.S. soon.

D Xi Jinping emphasizes the importance of Sino-American cooperation at the meeting with the U.S. delegation.

解析:选D。D 主旨大意题。整个报道主要围绕着习近平会见美国工商界领袖和前政界高官时强调中美合作的重要性而展开,因此答案D最全面,其他几个选择不是报道的主要内容。