
It was an early morning. I was still in bed, enjoying the sun and fresh air. Suddenly, the phone rang. I got it and a strange voice said: “Good morning. Are you sleeping yet?”

I wondered who it was. It was a nice woman’s voice. She told me that she wanted to see me and hung up. And then, I had breakfast and went out for a walk, forgetting the strange phone. I was walking through the park, enjoying the nice weather and the beautiful nature.

Just then, I saw a young boy picking a wallet from the ground. I seemed to have seen this wallet before. The boy took the wallet carefully, cleaned it, and put it into his pocket. Then he ran as quickly as he could. I didn’t know what to do, so, I began to scream loudly. I hoped there would be somebody nearby to catch him. But there was nobody around. I ran after him, but he disappeared somehow.

Then I reached in my pocket and found out that the wallet was mine. I felt very hopeless—no money, no keys, nothing. That was a very awful day.

Suddenly, I felt someone shaking me and saying:

“Wake up, wake up. It’s getting late, wake up!”

I opened my eyes and saw my mother.

I jumped out of bed immediately and checked where my wallet was. Thank God! It was there. It had only been a bad dream.


1.Where did the story happened?

A In a park.

B In the writer’s home

C On a beach.

D In the writer’s dream.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。从文章最后一句话It was there. It had only been a bad dream可知,前文发生的所有事情都是作者在做梦,故选D。

2.Who’s the woman on the phone?

A The writer’s mother.

B The writer’s friend.

C The writer’s sister.

D Not sure.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。从文章第2段I wondered who it was可知,作者并不认识电话里的女人,文章也没有提及女人是谁,故选D。

3.The wallet is __________.

A the boy’s in the park

B the writer’s

C the writer’s mother’s

D the woman’s on the phone

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。从文章第4段…found out that the wallet was mine可知,钱包是作者本人的,故选B。

4.When the writer was woken up, the first thing he did is __________.

A brushing his teeth and washing his face

B jumping out of bed and drinking a glass of water

C jumping out of bed and looking for his wallet

D having breakfast

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。从文章最后一段可知,作者起床后的第一件事情就是查看钱包是否还在,故选C。

5.The right order of the writer’s story is ________. ① answered a strange phone ② met a boy taking his wallet ③ lay in bed, enjoying the sun and fresh air ④ was woken up by the mother

A ①②③④

B ①③④②

C ②③①④

D ③①②④

解析:选D。D 文章结构题。从文章可知,作者一早起床,躺在床上享受阳光,然后接了一个奇怪的电话,再后来就去公园散步, 发现钱包被人拿走了,最后,作者妈妈叫醒了作者,他发现前面所发生的一切都是在做梦。D 选项是故事情节发展的正确顺序,故选D。