

The development of nuclear energy is shifting increasingly toward Asia with China playing a central role, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Yukiya Amano said on Monday.

Following a meeting with Chairman of the China Atomic Energy Authority (CAEA) Xu Dazhe, also the head of Chinese delegation to the IAEA General Conference, Amano acknowledged that nuclear power "has a future," and that Asia is becoming the "center of expansion."     

"It is very encouraging to note that China is developing new technologies with an emphasis on safety features," he added. Speaking to journalists, Xu acknowledged the great importance China has attached to its cooperation with the IAEA. As part of this China has announced it will donate (捐赠) 2 million euros (2.3 million U.S. dollars) for laboratory construction.

He said the nuclear power plants currently under construction in China account for 40 percent of the total around the world. “While such clean energy is being developed, ensuring safety measures in place is also paramount,” he said.

Xu pointed out the successful development of a third-generation nuclear reactor design, known as the Hualong One, as an example of China's advancements in the field of nuclear technology.

China has been a member state of IAEA for over 31 years, making great contribution to the cause of the international atomic energy.

Amano said he had earlier been shown two such technologies developed in China, and was aware that many others are also currently in development, again stressing that for the future of nuclear power use to be "secured," these improved safety features are "very important."

Cooperation between China and the IAEA is also increasing, he said, as evidenced by the appointment of Chinese national Yang Dazhu as one of the IAEA Deputy Directors General.

Amano said one of the greatest challenges for nuclear power is at present social acceptance, with public confidence in nuclear power negatively impacted by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011.

The IAEA has released a report on the disaster at the conference, he added, and hoped it would be a good source to learn lessons to strengthen safety. 


1.What does Amano imply when he says the development of nuclear energy is shifting increasingly toward Asia?

A The negative impact of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster has been deleted.

B China has attached importance to the cooperation with IAEA.

C Investment and development in nuclear energy have slowed down in the other continents.

D China has made much progress in the development of nuclear energy.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第1段... with China playing a central role.中国发挥核心作用,第2段...Asia is becoming the "center of expansion.”亚洲成为扩展中心,以及第4段...the nuclear power plants currently under construction in China account for 40 percent of the total around the world.中国在建核电站占全世界的40%,可知亚洲核电发展步伐越来越快,反推其他各大洲发展步伐减缓了。A与事实不符,B和D与本题没有直接逻辑联系。

2.What does the word “paramount” mean in the last sentence of paragraph 4?

A significant

B vast

C serious

D attractive


3.Which is not true according to the report?

A China is building nuclear power plants more than any other country worldwide.

B Hualong One has been successfully developed with most advanced technology in the world.

C Nuclear energy is clean, but sometimes it may be very dangerous.

D It is estimated that nuclear power will be increasingly popular in China.

解析:选B。细节判断题。根据第5段,...the Hualong One, as an example of China's advancements in the field of nuclear technology. 华龙一号取得成功,是中国核电技术的进步,并不意味着世界最先进。A、C、D与报告一致或符合事实。

4.When did China join IAEA?

A When People’s Republic of China was founded.

B When China carried out open door policy.

C In 1980s.

D Forty years ago.

解析:选C。细节理解题。通过第6段China has been a member state of IAEA for over 31 years...中国成为国际原子能理事会成员有31年,可知1984年中国加入IAEA,因此C正确。

5.What is the main idea of this report?

A China’s nuclear energy technology has been greatly promoted.

B Cooperation between China and the IAEA is increasing.

C Safety is very important in the construction of nuclear energy.

D China is playing central role in nuclear power development.
