


    New research suggests that a brain protein(蛋白质) that has changed form may be the cause of brain disorders -- including Alzheimer's Disease(阿兹海默老年痴呆症). Researchers say they have developed a treatment that may cause the protein to return to its original form, preventing the disease from developing or reversing (逆转)the effects of the damage in people who already suffer from Alzheimer's.

    Researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts, found that the shape of the protein -- which is called "tau" -- is changed by severe injuries to the brain. The scientists say when people are hit in the head many times, they develop a condition called chronic traumatic encephalopathy(慢性脑部疾病), or CTE.

    CTE develops in soldiers with head injuries. People who play American football also suffer from CTE after being hit in the head many times. The memory, judgment and ability to function are affected in people with CTE.

    The researchers recently published an article about their findings in the journal Nature. Mr. Pascual-Leone and his colleagues reported that they had developed a treatment that returns the damaged tau to its original, undamaged form. He says it might be possible to use the treatment to stop the development of Alzheimer's Disease. And he suggests it could also slow the loss of brain function in people who already have the disease.

    Scientists discovered the tau in mice that suffered brain injuries began changing form in as little as 12 hours after the mice were hit in the head.

    Researchers hope to develop a blood test or use machines that can see into the brain to help them identify changed tau. Early identification of the problem in people with brain injury could help doctors treat them quickly and stop the tau from changing.


1.The new treatment developed by the researchers can_____________.

A change the form of a brain protein

B cause the brain to be disordered

C make people suffer from Alzheimer

D make the protein return to its original form

解析:选D。D。细节理解题。由第一段...a treatment that may cause the protein to return...可知,故选D 。

2.What may happen if people are hit many times in the head?

A The brain will be damaged.

B The shape of the protein "tau" will be changed.

C People will suffer from Alzheimer.

D The effects of the damage will be reversed.


3.Which of the following sports will be free of developing CTE?

A American football.

B Boxing.

C Motorcycling.

D Playing chess.

解析:选D。D。推理判断题。大脑常受到打击容易致病,文中提到容易发生大脑撞击的运动如足球等,由此推测,最不易发生头脑碰撞的是playing chess:下棋。

4.Which of the following statements is correct about the treatment?

A It can discover the brain protein tau in people’s head.

B It can identify changed tau in people’s brain.

C It can stop the development of Alzheimer's disease.

D It can help people with Alzheimer's disease to go home.

解析:选C。C。推理判断题。此项治疗法,是治疗那些脑蛋白tau 发生了变化的病人,而C选项可阻止Alzheimer疾病的发展,在文中多次提到。所以C为最佳选项。

5.The best title for this passage should be___________.

A The hope of people with Alzheimer's disease

B A new treatment to prevent, reverse Alzheimer's disease

C The earlier the identification is, the better for Alzheimer's disease

D The harder hit on the head, the worse the disease will be
