
    The United States has promised not to give up its fight against human trafficking(人口贩卖).The State Department's 2015 report on human trafficking was released this week. It examines the illegal movement of people for forced labor or sex.

    The report says human trafficking is a $150 billion a year industry that enslaves(奴役) some of the world's more than 230 million migrant workers.

    At a State Department event Monday, Secretary of State John Kerry said fighting human trafficking is a "battle against money. It's a battle against evil." He added, "It's a fight we absolutely have to win. It is a modern day, human rights challenge of enormous proportions(规模庞大的)."

    But there are questions about whether the wording of the report was not strong enough on some countries.

    The report lists 23 countries as Grade 3. Those are countries that are failing to meet minimum standards to fight human trafficking. The list includes Iran, Syria, Russia and North Korea.

    Siddharth Kara is with the Harvard Kennedy School in Massachusetts. He questioned some of the report's findings. He and other observers wonder why the United States and its allies(盟国) have not done more to help with Yazidi women and children.

    Ameena Saeed Hasan is a Yazidi activist. She says many families are suffering because of the group known as Islamic State, or Daesh.

    "Every time we raise this issue with the international community, they say the first objective is to defeat Daesh and this will take a very long time."

    Activists warn the longer victims of human trafficking suffer, the worse the physical and emotional effects will be, making recovering more difficult.

    Secretary of State John Kerry says the report should read as a call to action. But he and others say while the progress has been made, the fight against human trafficking will surely last "for some time to come."


1.Human trafficking is_______.

A the promise not to give up fight

B the examining of illegal human movement

C the illegal movement of people for forced labor or sex

D a $150 billion a year industry


2.What is the probable meaning of the underlined word “wording” in paragraph 4?

A expressions

B structures

C readers

D writers


3.Why does Siddharth Kara question the United States’ report on human trafficking?

A Because the United States has failed to meet the minimum standard.

B Because the United States includes Iran, Syria, Russia and North Korea in the list.

C Because the United States challenges the enormous proportions of human right.

D Because the United States hasn’t tried its best to help Yazidi women and children.

解析:选D。细节理解题。由第六段可知,Siddharth Kara对美国报告的部分内容表示质疑。即质疑美国人没有对遭遇世界人权灾害最严重的Yazidi妇女和儿童付诸行动(D选项)。

4.When the activists ask the United States and its allies to do something, they always say _________.

A they will defeat the Daesh first

B many families are suffering

C it will take a long time

D they have done more to help them


5.What’s the activists’ opinion about the situation of victims of human trafficking?

A They have made progress.

B The longer victims of human trafficking suffer, the worse the physical and emotional effects will be.

C They are calling to act.

D It will last for some time.
