

It is now more difficult for workers to switch off from work. Many workers answer or write e-mails going to and from work, at lunchtime and at home. A lot of people check their work e-mails on holidays to other countries. This is changing for workers of the German carmaker Daimler(戴姆勒汽车公司). They can choose not to receive e-mails when they are on holiday. Workers will be able to rest on the beach and not answer problems in their inbox. They can auto-delete all work e-mail while on vacation. Daimler says it wants workers to enjoy family time or "me time" while on vacation

A Daimler spokesman told reporters that staff worked better when they returned from holiday feeling refreshed. He said staff should return feeling refreshed. He added: "Our workers should rest on holiday and not read work-related emails." The Daimler 'Mail on Holiday' system sends a reply that says: "Your e-mails will be deleted….If you want me to read this e-mail…send me the information [next week]." Not everyone thinks this is a good idea. Customers may not like writing again later. Companies could lose business. 


1.It is now more______for workers to switch off from work.

A dangerous

B difficult

C interesting

D easy

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第1段第一句It is now more difficult for workers to switch off from work.可知,故选B。

2.A worker from Daimler_______.

A has to reply emails on holiday

B can never enjoy family time

C can not enjoy “me time”

D doesn’t have to reply emails on holiday

解析:选D。D 内容理解题。根据第1段第5 句They can choose not to receive e-mails when they are on holiday.可知,故选D。

3.Which is RIGHT according to the passage?

A The staff would like to enjoy their holidays without emails.

B Everyone thinks it is a good idea to delete emails when a worker is on holiday.

C Customers are pleased to write again later.

D Companies will make money by deleting emails.

解析:选A。 A 内容理解题。员工当然都喜欢度假时不受工作邮件的干扰,故选A。

4.What’s the similar meaning to the underlined word “vocation” in the passage?

A Holiday.

B Inbox.

C Lunchtime.

D Email.

解析:选A。A 词义猜测题。根据第1段内容可知holiday与vocation意思相近,均为“假期”的意思,故选A。

5.When will a worker from Daimler reply an email?

A When he is sleeping.

B When he is on holiday.

C When he is in hospital.

D When he is at office.

解析:选D。D判断推理题。根据文章内容可知上班(at office)时间写邮件是可以得到回复的,故选D。