

    Four times in the past 18 months, China has carried out hypersonic (极超音速的) weapons tests. Hypersonic weapon delivery vehicles can travel at speeds of more than five times the speed of sound. China says its most recent test flight was on June 9th. The tests are a sign of the country's continuing efforts to make highly developed weapons.

    The hypersonic missile delivery vehicles are able to transport nuclear weapons. But China said the tests are, in its words, "purely scientific and (are) not targeted at any country."

    The United States, Russia and India have also been developing hypersonic vehicles.

    One of China's four tests reportedly failed. And the United States is far ahead of the Chinese in missile development. But China is developing hypersonic capability and could one day have better delivery vehicles than the United States. So says James Acton of the Nuclear Policy Program for International Peace. He spoke recently to members of the U.S. Congress.

    Mr. Acton said China's hypersonic weapons development program is probably less developed than the American program. But he said China might be able to develop its program more quickly.

    The U.S. military has been testing hypersonic weapon delivery vehicles for the past five years. The military completed a fourth successful test two years ago. Some experts say hypersonic glide vehicles could be available for use by the armed forces within five to 10 years.

    In recent years, U.S. lawmakers expressed concern about China's development of hypersonic technologies. Some said that the United States is falling behind China in the hypersonic arms race.

    American officials hope the United States can keep its lead in being able to launch targeted missile strikes quickly. They say such a lead can persuade possible enemies from launching attacks.


1.From paragraph 1, we know China has recently carried out hypersonic weapons tests___________.

A once

B three times

C five times

D four times


2.How many countries are trying to develop such weapons in the world now?

A Three.

B Four.

C Five.

D One.


3.What is James Acton’s prediction of development of missiles in China?

A It will be better than the United States.

B It will be far behind the United States.

C It will target the United States.

D It will target all countries.

解析:选A。A。细节理解题。由第五段China is developing hypersonic capability and could one day have better delivery vehicles than the United States可知,James Acton在对美国国会议员们演说时作了推测,他担心中国有一天会超过美国。

4.Which might be the correct meaning of the underlined word “glide” in paragraph 6?

A 滑翔

B 掠过

C 悄悄地走

D 消逝


5.The United States wants to keep its lead in launching missile strikes to__________.

A show their concern about China’s development

B win the hypersonic arms race with China

C persuade possible enemies from launching attacks

D provide their armed forces within five to 10 years
