

Is your family struggling to own a pet? Children are eager to keep a pet as they see pets as their friends while adults are hesitating, because keeping a pet seems to be troublesome to them. Should your family get a pet? Reviewing some of the research may help you make up your mind, because pet ownership has been known to provide some serious health benefits. Here is a look at four ways that having a pet may be good for your health:

Getting more exercise: Research shows that most pet owners do more physical activities than people who don't have pets. A 2000 National Institute of Health and Welfare study found that pet owners were more likely than other people to do 30 minutes or more of exercise at least five days a week.

Experiencing better overall health: People show improvements in their health, and they engage in healthier behaviors after just one month of owning a pet, according to a 10-month study published in 2011 in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 

Improving mental health: The same 2011 study that showed that pet ownership also held psychological benefits. The researchers found pet owners were happier, healthier and better adjusted than non-owners. Pets may provide social support for their owner.

Reducing allergy risk:  Pet allergies are often the reason why families decide not to get a pet, but a 2010 study in Journal of Pediatrics found that children who grew up with a pet in their home were less likely to develop eczema.


1.According to the passage, adults haven’t decided to keep a pet yet because they think ___.

A pets are dirty

B pets will bring some problems

C pets are awful

D keeping a pet cost too much

解析:选B。B 细节理解他。从文章第1段……because keeping a pet seems to be troublesome to them可知,其中troublesome意为“麻烦的”,与B选项意思相符,故选B。

2.We can learn from the study of A 2000 National Institute of Health and Welfare that ____.

A pets owners do one hour or more of exercise than other people every day

B pets owners do 30 minutes or more of exercise at least five days a week

C pets owners are much richer than other people

D pets owners are happier than other people

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。B选项是文章第2段的原句,故选B。

3.Keeping pets can improve people’s health after they own a pet for ________.

A one week

B one month

C one year

D ten months

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。从文章第3段they engage in healthier behaviors after just one month of owning a pet可知,故选B。

4.From the passage, which is not the benefit of owning a pet?

A Do more exercise.

B Be healthier physically.

C Be healthy mentally.

D Live longer.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。A选项是第2段的观点,B选项是第3段观点,C选项是4段的观点,而文章并未提及养宠物可以增加人的寿命,故选D。

5.What’s the attitude of the author about owing a pet?

A Agree.

B Disagree.

C On the fence.

D Not sure.

解析:选A。A 态度观点题。本文向读者介绍了养宠物的4大益处,而文章第1段Review some of the research may help you make up your mind, because dog ownership has been known to provide some serious health benefits已经暗示了作者的观点,就是倡导人们养宠物,故选A。