

USA Today   

Price: $152.00  & shipping is always free. 

Subscription Options:

2 months (43 issues) $50.00

6 months (130 issues)$152.00

1 year (260 issues)$275.00

Giving a gift?

Add the magazine to your cart, on the next page check the box marked “this will be a gift.” You can also find this option if you click "edit your shopping cart."

Enter your gift recipient’s address during the checkout process.

After placing your order, look for the "Send Magazine Gift Notification" link on the order confirmation page, or go directly to the Magazine Subscription Manager.

In the Magazine Subscription Manager, you’ll see gift notification options to the right of each magazine you’ve purchased. You can schedule a gift email or print a gift note.

Product Description

USA TODAY provides you with a daily snapshot of the top News, Money, Sports and Life news across the country and around the world - with fair and credible coverage, powerful graphics, and a quick, concise format. The Nation's #1 Newspaper keeps you current with news and issues affecting your life.

Privacy & Security

In order to complete your transaction, we will share the name, billing and shipping address and other order information associated with your purchase with the publisher or magazine vendor. Your name and address will also be shared with a circulation-auditing organization. We may share your e-mail with the publisher, but you can control how it will be used in Subscription Manager. We will not share your credit card information.


1.How much should the people pay for an issue if they buy the newspaper for a half year?

A $1.17.

B $1.16.

C $1.15.

D $1.05.

解析:选A。A。细节理解题。根据第一部分的6 months (130 issues)$152.00可以得知6个月(130期)共152美元;因此每期的价格为$1.17。

2.What is the main idea of the passage?

A Tell people the way to subscribe USA Today.

B Show people the price to buy USA Today.

C Inform people of the method of getting news.

D Schedule a gift email or print a gift note.

解析:选A。A。主旨大意题。该文讲述的是如何征订USA Today这份报纸的。

3.What should you do first if you want to get a gift?

A Add the magazine to your cart.

B Click “edit your shopping cart.”

C Enter the gift recipient’s address.

D Schedule an email or print a note.

解析:选A。A。细节理解题。根据第二部分第一句的Add the magazine to your cart, on the next page check the box marked “this will be a gift.”可得知要先把杂志放在购物车才能申请礼物。

4.In USA TODAY, people can _______.

A get some money

B take daily snapshot

C read current news

D sell powerful graphics

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。根据第三部分的Product Description板块的第一句USA TODAY provides you with a daily snapshot of the top News, Money, Sports and Life news across the country and around the world可以得知《今日美国》能够提供很好的时事新闻。

5.How will the Subscription Manager keep the secret of subscriber?

A They will try to share the credit card information.

B They will keep the billing and the shipping address.

C They will let people control how to use information.

D They will help people complete all the transaction.

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。根据文章最后一部分第三句的We may share your e-mail with the publisher, but you can control how it will be used in Subscription Manager可知,你自己可以控制自己的信息保密。