

I was walking around. It was cold and it was starting to rain. I was looking for a café to sit and have something to drink. When I saw one, I crossed the street and I was there. I sat down and asked for a coffee.

While I was waiting for my coffee, I saw many people sitting in front of their computers. I stood up and came to a thin, medium-height man. I tried to talk to him. But he answered, “I’m Steve. I can’t talk with you. I’m busy.” I thought he was working, and I apologized. Before going back to my seat, I wanted to see what he was doing. I stood behind him and found he was chatting online with somebody--probably someone he didn’t know. I tried again to communicate with him but not a word came out of his mouth. I was getting upset. I touched his shoulder and put my hand in front of the monitor. What he did shocked me. He started to shout, “Leave me alone!” I took a few steps back. I was ashamed. I wanted to look and see if all those people in the café were looking at me, so I raised my head, but there was nobody interested in what was happening because they were all busy with their computers.

At that moment, I realized that the people in that place were not having a cup of coffee and they were only looking for a place to have a nice conversation with their computers. I could see their bodies, but couldn’t feel their souls. That was because their souls didn’t belong to them, instead they belonged to the “net”. 


1.What’s the weather like when the story happened?

A It’s sunny.

B It’s cool.

C It’s rainy.

D It’s cold and rainy.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。从文章第1段…it was starting to rain可知,故选D。

2.What were people doing when the author was waiting for his coffee?

A They were reading magazines.

B They were using their computers.

C They were also waiting for their drinks.

D They were listening to the nice music.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。从文章第2段…I saw many people sitting in front of their computers可知,故选B。

3.Why Steve didn’t talk to the author?

A Because he was very busing working.

B Because he was busing talking to someone else in the café.

C Because he was busing talking with someone on the internet.

D Because he didn’t like talking.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。从文章第2段he was chatting online with somebody可知Steve正在忙着在网上和某人聊天,故选C。

4.Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A Steve was busying with his computer.

B When the author tried to talk to Steve again, Steve shouted at him.

C People continued using their computers when Steve shouted at the author.

D The author went out of the café after Steve shouted at him.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。文章并没有提到作者在被Steve大吼了后离开咖啡馆,而A,B,C选项在第2段中都有提及,故选D。

5.What is the opinion of the author in this passage?

A It’s better for people to talk with people than with computers.

B Computers help people a lot.

C A café is a good place to play computers.

D Playing computer games in a café is fun

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。 作者在文章的最后一段暗示了自己的看法,从That was because their souls didn’t belong to them, instead they belonged to the “net”. 这句话可看出作者并不赞成人们成为电脑控,故选A。