

Want to be a green child? Here are five suggestions about how to be a green child.

1) Ask mom for green school supplies. Going back to school and going green can go hand in hand! Kids can get green school supplies that will make a difference at prices that will make mom happy. Your green school supplies also provide an opportunity to share your thoughts on the environment with other students and teachers who notice that they are a little different.

2) Walk, carpool, or take the bus to school. Let’s use as little of it as we can! When you share a ride with others, it means fewer people have to use gas, and when you walk or bike there is no fuel burned at all.

3) Turn off the water while showering and brushing teeth. Most people let the water run while soaping up or brushing, but that wastes water.

4) Turn off lights when they are not in use. When you’re not using lights or appliances/electronics (TV, computer, air conditioner, etc.) TURN THEM OFF! 

5) If parents recycle, allow kids to sort. The family that recycles together stays together! If mom and dad recycle, ask them if you can sort. Sometimes parents don’t realize how much you care. Going green is a lifestyle, so get in on the day-today activities by doing your part. 


1.Tom and Jerry could be_________.

A a father and a daughter

B a boy and a girl

C a cat and a mouse

D a son and a mother

解析:选C。C 判断推理题。汤姆猫与杰利鼠是美国著名动画片《猫和老鼠》中的的两个主要角色,同时根据图片单词与配图可知,故选C。

2.When did people begin to change some cartoons because of racism?

A In the 1860s.

B In the 1960s.

C 70 years ago.

D 60 years ago.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第1段最后1句In the 1960s, people changed some cartoons because of racism. 可知,故选B。

3.How many Oscars did Tom and Jerry shows win?

A 2

B 5

C 7

D 9

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第2段第3句The cartoons won seven Oscars.可知,故选C。

4.Which is RIGHT?

A Tom and Jerry are racists.

B Tom and Jerry are brothers.

C Children like watching Tom and Jerry.

D No one watches Tom and Jerry now.

解析:选C。C 综合理解题。根据第2段倒数第3句Children watch them on TV every day.可知,故选C。

5.The underlined word “They” in paragraph 2 refers to(指)___________.

A two cartoonists

B two cats

C two mice

D Tom and Jerry

解析:选D。D 综合理解题。根据后文语境“孩子们喜欢观看”可知此处They指动画片的主角汤姆与杰利,故选D。