

Spending too much time online can increase your risk of catching a cold or the flu. Those with greater levels of internet addiction are more likely to get ill, than those who spend fewer hours online.
Researchers at the universities of Swansea and Milan believe the reason lies in the fact that people with an internet addiction have weakened immune systems. They said the lack of communication with other people and less time spent outside exposing themselves to germs played a role.
Past studies have also found people who spend more time online experience greater sleep disorder, have worse eating habits, engage in less exercise and tend to smoke and drink more alcohol. These behaviors can harm their immune system and increase chance to diseases. 
Professor Phil Read said, “We found that the impact of the internet on people's health was independent of a range of other factors, like depression, sleep deprivation, and loneliness, which are associated with high levels of internet use and also with poor health.”
Researchers surveyed 500 people aged 18 to 101 years old. They found that those who reported problems with much use of the internet also suffered more cold and flu symptoms than those who spent less time online. Around 40 per cent of the sample reported mild or worse levels of internet addiction — a figure which did not differ between males and females. People who had greater levels of internet addiction had around 30 per cent more cold and flu symptoms than those with less internet usage. 
And researchers found people who are addicted to the internet may suffer from great stress when they are disconnected from the net. This cycle of stress and relief associated with internet addiction may lead to changes in levels of cortisol, a hormone that impacts on the immune system.


1.What did researchers at the universities of Swansea and Milan find?

A An internet addiction makes people stronger.

B The lack of communication helps people.

C Less being exposed to germs harms people.

D The immune system improves by itself.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句的They said the lack of communication with other people and less time spent outside exposing themselves to germs played a role可知如果接触到微生物是对身体有好处的。故选C。

2.Which of the following is NOT the result of high levels of internet use?

A Mental depression.

B Sleep deprivation.

C Feeling lonely.

D Stopping smoke.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第三段第一句的Past studies have also found people who spend more time online experience greater sleep disorder, have worse eating habits, engage in less exercise and tend to smoke and drink more alcohol可以得知上网过多会带来压抑、睡眠不足、抽烟、感觉到寂寞等问题;而D项的说法正好相反。故选D。

3.How many people surveyed suffered from internet addiction?

A 500.

B 300.

C 200.

D 150.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第五段第三句的Around 40 per cent of the sample reported mild or worse levels of internet addiction...可知有百分之四十的人有网瘾,再根据本段第一句可知,调查的人数总共为500人,所以有网瘾的大约为200人。故选C。

4.How do addicted people feel when they are stopped from computer?

A They would feel stressed.

B They would feel relieved.

C The would feel honoured.

D They would feel confused.

解析:选A。推理判断题。 根据文章最后一段第一句的And researchers found people who are addicted to the internet may suffer from great stress...可知研究者发现,有网瘾的人在不面对电脑的时候,会备感压力。故选A。

5.What is the best title of the passage?

A How being addicted to the internet could make you sick

B What the young people can get from the internet around

C Which is the best way to stop people from surfing nets

D When the immune systems can become better and better

解析:选A。文章标题题。根据文章第一段第一句的Spending too much time online can increase your risk of catching a cold or the flu可知上网时间过长容易让人感冒,这是该篇文章的主旨。故选A。