

Recently I’ve been watching the 4th ‘The Voice of China’, which is one of the most popular variety shows in China. It’s a program that provides a stage for those whoever have dreams or talents for singing. And if one of them who sings really good and has something attracts the tutors, he/she would be wanted by one or more of the four tutors .

   Have you ever noticed that compared to ‘finding a good voice’, the tutors are actually more inclined to ‘seek a special voice’? Not only sheer beautiful, but also special, or unique. If the player comes to sing a singer’s song without any change and just purely imitate, the chances are too small that the tutors would want him to be their students. Our ears always need something new. 

So think about finding jobs. Before finding a job, the first thing you should do is to recognize yourself. You should know what you are good at, what you are bad at, what you are interested in and what you are different from others. And when employing a worker, he is willing to work more or learn more, or being more clever in solving problems, or can do something others can’t do. 

   So, being different can help us in many ways. Of course, it refers to the good aspects. Do you notice that the successful people are always so different? 


1.What program did the writer watch?

A The Voice of China

B Happy Camp

C America's Got Talent

D Dad, Where Are We Going

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句“Recently I’ve been watching the 4th ‘The Voice of China”可知。

2.The Voice of China is a program that gives a stage for ______.

A dancers

B singers

C players

D workers

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第一段第二句“It’s a program that provides a stage for those whoever have dreams or talents for singing. ".可知。

3.What does the underlined word “imitate” mean in Chinese?

A 伪造

B 模仿

C 建造

D 处理

解析:选B。B 词义猜测题。根据上下文和整篇文章,可知好声音学员要赢得导师的转身,要有自己的特色,而不是单纯的“模仿”别人。

4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A Before finding a job, the first thing you should do is to know yourself.

B If one sings really well, the tutors will turn back and be his/her teacher.

C The Voice of China is one of the most popular programs in China. D.

D When you work, you should never try out new ideas.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第三段第三句“And when employing a worker, he is willing to work more or learn more, or being more clever in solving problems, or can do something others can’t do.”可知。

5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A ‘The Voice of China’

B How to be a singer

C How to find a job

D Try to be different to others

解析:选D。D 主旨大意题。 根据文章第四段第一句可知,这是整篇文章的中心句。