
In Nigeria, an about 20 million people have some kind of physical disability. They have physical problems that make it difficult to find work and hold a job. Some of the disabled end up on city streets, asking strangers for help. But in Kaduna State, a group of disabled men has been persuading others to get off the street by offering them new skills.

Our story begins outside the offices of a local charity. A group of men who are physically disabled wait there for food from the aid group. It may be the only meal they get that day. Because the men are disabled, most depend on begging in the streets to support themselves.

Aliyu Yakubu is unlike those men. He is learning job skills to earn a living wage. He is being shown how to fix tricycles and do other metal work.

The 18-year-old remembers when he decided to stop begging. He says, "My former classmate saw me begging on the street and didn't recognize me. He gave me some money. When I stretched my hand out to collect it, then he saw my face. I felt ashamed, and since then, I decided not to beg again."

Isiaka Maaji is also physically disabled. He helps people like Aliyu Yakubu get work, and get off the streets. He teaches them a trade.

He learned his skills from a government-operated training program. The program has been teaching career work since 2002. Five years ago, Mr. Maaji started helping other disabled people to stop begging.

He says, "We encourage people like us to learn skills they can do to become self-reliant to support themselves and their families because being in the streets as beggars is a shame to all of us.

To date, he has helped and trained 30 people. Some of them even have their own metal-working businesses now. They make tricycles and motor bikes designed for disabled people. But that is not all they make. They also make doors and windows to sell.


1.From the first paragraph, we know the topic of the passage is about the disabled_________.

A having various problems

B offering others help

C ending up on city streets

D asking strangers for help


2.What are the disabled men doing outside the local charity offices?

A Waiting for free meal.

B Begging for food.

C Learning begging skills.

D Earning their living.


3.What changed Aliyu Yakubu?

A Fixing tricycles.

B Stretching out to collect money.

C Doing metal work.

D The feeling of being ashamed.

解析:选D。D。细节理解题。 Aliyu Yakubu有一天在大街上乞讨时,同学看见了他,让他感到羞愧,于是他决定改变自己。

4.It was_________that taught Isiaka Maaji working skills.

A his former classmates

B a government-operated training program

C a physically disabled man

D a beggar in the street

解析:选B。B。细节理解题。由第六段可知,Isiaka Maaji也是残疾人,他是在政府主导的一个培训项目中,学习技术,自力谋生,由此他开始劝说其他的残疾人自力更生。

5.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A Isiaka Maaji has only helped and trained 30 people.

B They are designing tricycles and motor bikes for the disabled.

C Disabled people can also create their own business.

D They not only make tricycles and bikes but also make doors and windows.

解析:选C。C。推理判断题。文章最后介绍他们的成果,根据最后1段第2句Some of them even have their own metal-working businesses now 可推知,有的残疾人在他们的帮助下走上了自主创业的道路。