

My father was a quiet and gentle man, always soft spoken. I adored him for as long as I can remember. I loved the way he treated people with such respect and kindness.

On Sundays we usually took the bus into Manhattan, where we would do interesting things like ride The Circle Line. He would point out every landmark and tell us the history behind it. He loved to take us on the subway to Nathan's in Coney Island. Once there, he would give me and my sister each a five dollar bill and then he would settle into a booth for the afternoon with his newspapers. 

In 1968 we went to see the movie Oliver, a Charles Dickens' classic tale of a young orphaned boy. On the walk home from the theater that afternoon he told us how he was raised in an orphanage in New York after both of his parents died. Never one to complain, he told us the nuns were wonderful to him and loved him like a mother would. As he got older he was placed in a few foster homes before he joined the Army. 

When we were teenagers he still took us out each weekend and he would ask us to invite specific friends to join us and he would pay for them. We often went to Yankee Stadium to watch the baseball game and he bought us tickets in the least expensive seats. To keep the cost down he waited for us in the car where he read his newspapers and then took a nap. 

He was always happy and appreciated everything he had. He felt blessed. He adored his two little girls and later his two granddaughters. He gave so much, yet he had so little. He thought he was the richest man in the world.


1.What would the writer’s father do when in Nathan's?

A He would do interesting things like ride The Circle Line.

B He would point out every landmark and had a good rest.

C He would wait for us by reading newspaper in a booth.

D He would give me and my sister the chance to learn.

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句的...he would settle into a booth for the afternoon with his newspapers可以得知作者的父亲坐在电话亭看报纸等作者。

2.What did the writer’s father and Olive have in common?

A They both liked Charles Dickens’ tale.

B They both had ever been an orphan.

C They were both adopted by families.

D They both had been a brave soldier.

解析:选B。B。细节理解题。根据第三段第一句的...a Charles Dickens' classic tale of a young orphaned boy可知Olive是一个孤儿;根据第三段第二句的...he told us how he was raised in an orphanage in New York after both of his parents died可知作者的父亲曾经也是一名孤儿。据此可知他们都曾是孤儿。

3.What did the writer's father think of the life in the orphanage?

A Terrible.

B Satisfying.

C Tiring.

D Upset.

解析:选B。B。推理判断题。 根据文章第三段第三句的Never one to complain, he told us the nuns were wonderful to him and loved him like a mother would可以得知那里的修女对作者的父亲很好,因此他认为在那里的生活是令人满意的。

4.Why did the writer’s father choose to take a nap?

A Because he wanted to save some money.

B Because he wanted to buy us expensive seats.

C Because he wanted to have a very good rest.

D Because he wanted to reward his foster parents.

解析:选A。A。细节理解题。根据文章第四段第三句的To keep the cost down he waited for us in the car where he read his newspapers and then took a nap可知作者的父亲不去观看比赛是为了节省钱。

5.The writer wrote the passage to _______.

A thank and honor his father

B show his father’s life

C tell his father loved them

D give his father reward

解析:选A。A。写作意图题。根据文章第一段第三、四句的I adored him for as long as I can remember. I loved the way he treated people with such respect and kindness和文章最后一段都可以读出作者对父亲浓浓的爱和感激!