

According to a report from WHO, people around the world are getting fatter. Over ten billion people are overweight and the number is still increasing.

Overweight does harm to people’s health and it is a major risk factor for a number of diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

There are many ways to overcome this health problem. Here are five drinks that can help you lose weight.

1. Detox Juices.

Detox juices are easy for you to make in your

kitchen. You can make them out of fruits or vegetables or by combining these two. Drinking detox juices is the fastest and most natural way for you to lose the extra pounds.  

2. Vegetable Juices

Vegetable juices, on the other hand, can also benefit your weight in the long run. It can also balance the hormone levels in your body and make you look younger and beautiful.

3. Green Tea

People have drunk green tea for hundreds of years. Although green tea will only help you lose a few pounds, it’s good for you to reduce stress and relax better.

4. Fruit Juice – Cranberry and Pear

Fruit juices are delicious, easy to prepare and very rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Among the fruit juices, pear and cranberries are most delicious and most efficient for you to lose weight.

5. Black Coffee

Black coffee can not only help you lose weight, it can also lower the risk for cancer, diabetes as well as heart disease. But don’t have the black coffee with milk or sugar, or you will get more calories.


1.The first paragraph indicates that ______.

A ten billion people are overweight in the world

B more people will be overweight

C people know how to keep fit

D ten billion people are losing weight in different ways

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。从文章第1段……the number is still increasing可知,肥胖人士数量还在增加,is increasing 与B选项的more 意思相符,故选B。

2.According to the passage, what doesn’t overweight do to people’s bodies?

A Do harm to people’s health.

B Increase the risk of cancer.

C Make people aging fast.

D Increase the risk of getting diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。从文章第2段可知,肥胖不利于健康,会增加人们患糖尿病,心血管病,癌症的风险,文章并没有提及肥胖会加速人体衰老,故选C。

3.The fast way to lose the extra pounds is drinking__________.

A detox Juices

B green Tea

C fruit juices

D black coffee

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。从文章Detox Juices 那段Drinking detox juices is the fastest and most natural way……可知,故选A。

4.From this passage, we can know that ___________.

A detox juices can make us look younger and more beautiful

B green tea will help us lose weight quickly

C detox juices and fruit juices are not difficult to make

D we should drink black coffee with milk and sugar

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。从文章Detox Juices那段Detox juices are easy for you to make in your kitchen 和Fruit Juice那段的Fruit juices are delicious, easy to prepare…可知,排毒饮品和果汁都很容易制作,故选C。

5.The purpose of the passage is to___________________.

A ask people to eat less

B ask people to lose weight

C give tips on how to make yourself look younger

D give tips on losing weight

解析:选D。D 态度观点题。文章前两段介绍了肥胖问题的现状及危害,下文中作者花大篇幅向读者介绍了五种帮助减肥的饮品,故作者的写作意图是给肥胖人士提建议,故选D。