
The Blue Point oyster(牡蛎) is returning to the Great South Bay of New York after almost disappearing from the world marketplace. Over-farming, pollution and Hurricane Sandy had severely damaged the Blue Point oyster business. Now, the population is growing in its home on the coast of Long Island, about 100 kilometers from New York City.

When the huge ocean storm called Sandy hit Long Island in 2013 it destroyed the Blue Point oyster beds. John Cochrane is a councilman (议员)in the Town of Islip.

"There was 15-foot [4.5 meter] seas hitting those beds. It took all the oysterman's tools and oysters and tore half of them away from their anchoring(抛锚) and the other half got slammed (猛放)into the bay bottom and got destroyed."

The Great Atlantic Oyster Farms company will be a major part of regrowing the oyster population in the Great South Bay. Marty Byrnes is an aquaculturist(水产养殖人员) with the company. He is responsible for getting adult oysters to spawn - lay eggs and produce the young that turn into millions of oysters.

Marty Byrnes grows the plant food of oysters, algae, in large tanks filled with salt water. The young absorb their algae diet for about two and a half weeks. Then, baby oysters appear.

After six weeks, millions upon millions of these little oysters are taken to farms in the bay. They are placed in wire boxes to grow to harvesting size. In 18 months, these oysters will be ready for market.

The Blue Point is back. And the oysters are not just good to eat. They are also good to the water. Each oyster can filter more than 150 liters of water a day, removing algae, nitrogen, and other pollutants.


1.Which was not the reason for the disappearing of The Blue Point oyster years ago?

A Pollution.

B 100 kilometers from New York City.

C Hurricane Sandy.

D Over-farming.

解析:选B。B。细节理解题。文章第1段第2句 Over-farming, pollution and Hurricane Sandy…提到了几年前此种牡蛎消失的原因,只有B选项与其消失无关,故选B。

2.In 2013,_____destroyed the Blue Point oyster beds.

A Hurricane Sandy

B John Cochrane

C the oysterman's tools

D oyster business


3.Which of the following is right about Marty Byrnes’ job?

A To regrow the oyster population in the Great South Bay.

B To lay eggs and produce the young that turn into oysters.

C To fill the tanks with salt water for the young oysters.

D To get the adult oysters to lay eggs and produce the young.

解析:选D。D。细节理解题。由第4段He is responsible for getting adult oysters to spawn - lay eggs and produce the young that turn into millions of oysters.可知,Marty Byrnes的工作是促使成年牡蛎产卵并培育出牡蛎幼苗。

4.From the passage we know there are____periods for oysters growing to adults.

A one

B two

C three

D four


5.What does the underlined word “filter” in the last paragraph mean?

A use

B remove

C produce

D clean

解析:选D。D。词义猜测题。从后面牡蛎在水中可去除水中的algae, nitrogen和其它的pollutants可推知,clean是正确答案。