
People will have a sense of fear when they hear about “Ebola virus”. 

Ebola virus is a kind of horrible disease. It may cause death, and what’s worse? It is highly infectious. If a person has this virus, he or she will pass it to others around them. So far, there has not been any effective treatment to kill this virus. The only way to avoid it is to isolate the patients from the public.

Here is a piece of surprising news that can comfort both patients and the public. There is an American doctor called Kent Brantly, infected with the Ebola virus. He is one of the two seriously ill Americans. He is supposed to be isolated in West Africa where he caught Ebola virus. But now, aids officials say a plane is taking Dr Kent to the US. He will receive treatments in Atlanta’s Emory University Hospital. And later, the second patient will also be there.

It will be the first time that American bring anyone infected with that disease back into the country. And US officials are full of confidence. They are sure that the patients can be treated and the public will not worry so much about that virus like before.  


1.What does the underline sentence in Paragraph 2 mean?

A It is very safe.

B It can be cured easily.

C It can be passed around easily to others.

D It is hard to be cured.

解析:选C。C 词义猜测题。从文章第2段If a person has this virus, he or she will pass it to others around them可知,埃博拉病毒是一种传染性病毒,故选C.

2.How do people feel when they hear about “Ebola virus”?

A Happy.

B Afraid.

C Surprised.

D Excited.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。从文章第1段People will have a sense of fear可知,其中sense of fear 意思与B选项的afraid 一致,故选B。

3.Why is Ebola virus horrible?

A Because it takes people lots of money.

B Because people will never be healthy again if they catch this virus.

C Because it can make people die and this virus can be spread easily.

D Because anyone with this virus will die.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。从文章第2段可知,答此题要抓住两个关键词,cause death 和highly infectious,只有C选项同时满足这两个条件。故选C。

4.Who is Kent Brantly?

A He is an American doctor infected with Ebola virus.

B He is an African doctor infected with Ebola virus.

C He is an American doctor looking for treatments of Ebola virus.

D He is an aids official.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。从文章第3段There is an American doctor called Kent Brantly, infected with the Ebola virus可知,故选A。

5. What is the passage mainly about?

A Ebola virus is horrible.

B Many people are suffering Ebola virus.

C People are afraid of Ebola virus.

D The US is bringing its Ebola virus patients back to the country to receive treatments.

解析:选D。D 主旨大意题。虽然文章开头介绍埃博拉病毒,但这只是为下面的新闻事件做铺垫。文章的重心在第3和第4段,向读者介绍一则可喜的新闻,即美国将接其埃博拉病毒患者回国治疗。故选D。