
A strong earthquake in the mountains of south west China on Sunday destroyed 12,000  houses, buried roads and killed at least 367 people.

The magnitude-6.5 quake happened at 4:30 p.m on the border between Yunnan and Sichuan provinces. Ma Liya, a local, said the streets looked like a “battlefield after bombardment” after the earthquake. People rushed out, houses were destroyed, and roads, electricity and communications were all cut off.

Governments attach great importance to this disaster. They are sparing no effort to help the people there. More than 2,500 armies have been sent to the area. The Red Cross Society of China have provided many quilts, jackets and tents for those people who were made homeless by the quake. While Red Cross branches in Hong Kong, Macau and neighboring Sichuan province have also sent lots of useful things there. Rescue teams are there. "There are countless people waiting to be rescued and rescue teams were clearing the roads with their hands" said Mao Lihui, a volunteer on one of the rescue teams. The White House is also ready to help.

Chinese state broadcaster CCTV said it was the strongest quake for 14 years in there. In 1970, a magnitude-7.7 quake in Yunnan killed at least 15,000 people. A quake in Sichuan in 2008 killed almost 70,000 people.



1.Where did the earthquake happen?

A In the mountains of north west China.

B On the border between Yunnan and Sichuan provinces.

C In Lijiang, Yunnan Province.

D In Wengchuan, Sichuan Province.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。从文章第2段第一句话可知。A选项是误导项,从文章第1段A strong earthquake in the mountains of south west China…可知,地震发生在中国西南部,而不是西北部,故选B。

2.What did Ma Liya suggest when she said the streets looked like a "battlefield after bombardment?

A There was a war in the street.

B The street was very quiet.

C The street was in a horrid mess.

D There were so many people in the street.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。从文章第2段People rushed out, houses were destroyed, and roads, electricity and communications were all cut off可知,玛利亚是想表达地震后街上一片狼藉。故选C。

3.What didn’t people do after the earthquake?

A Government sent armies there.

B The Red Cross took lots of things there.

C While Red Cross branches in Hong Kong, Macau and neighboring Sichuan province offered many things.

D The White House was there for help.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。从文章第3段最后一句话可知,白宫随时准备给予帮助,但是还未参与救援工作,be ready to 是“随时乐意做…,准备做…”的意思,故选D。

4.According to the passage, there isn’t any earthquake in China in _________.

A 1970

B 1990

C 2008

D 2014

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。本题需要读者针对细节进行判断。文章在第1段提到中国今年发生了地震,最后一段又提到1970和2008年均有发生地震,故排除选项A,C,D,故选B。

5.Which is the the best title for this passage?

A A strong earthquake hit China’s Yunnan Province

B China’s strongest earthquake

C The strongest earthquake in the world

D People were made homeless by a earthquake in China

解析:选A。A 主旨大意题。文章第1段介绍了云南发生地震,第2段讲述地震现场情况,第3段讲述救援工作,故A选项是最佳题目,D选项过于片面。故选A。