
The recent report by the Environmental Audit Committee (环境审计委员会) called for lower VAT(Value Added Tax) on recycled products and longer warranty periods on consumer goods. It concluded that a “circular economy” approach is needed to save resources as the world’s population rises.

In England, 8.5 million tons of local authority-collected waste goes to landfill, according to Government figures. If Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales are included, the amount of waste in the UK being buried is in the region of 11 million tons. 

The report called for a move away from “the throwaway society”. But Mike Barry of Marks and Spencer(玛莎百货) told the Committee, “The number one thing that the Government can do to help us is to simplify the collection of waste in the consumer’s home.”

Wales and Scotland have made improvements in standardizing recycling collections. In Wales, more than 90% of homes now have access to organic recycling facilities. However, in England, only around a quarter of local councils provide a separate food waste collection.

According to a recent report by the think tank the Green Alliance(绿色联盟), electronic goods worth around a billion pounds are put in landfill each year, but only around 2% are recycled. “If we got that product back to someone who could repair it, about a quarter of products are readily repairable or reusable and that’s a lot of value: we reckon at least £250 million per year,” said Dustin Benton of the Green Alliance. 

London-based company Envirowaste prepares thrown-away goods for reuse. “People just ring us up and tell us to get rid of everything,” said James Rubin, who welcomed the report. “We all get rid of waste, and it’s a matter of putting it into a bin and forgetting about it. People should be taking more responsibility.”

But Aleyn Smith-Gillespie of the Carbon Trust said, “Many companies do recognize the potential in a shift towards a more sustainable circular economy, but currently only a handful of pioneers are taking the important first steps.”


1.Why did the Environment Audit Committee call lower VAT?

A To help feed a more crowded world.

B To prevent people from wasting food.

C To recycle some electronic goods.

D To encourage people to save resources.


2.What is the current situation in the UK in terms of dealing with waste?

A People realized it was necessary to move away from “the throwaway society”.

B Standardizing recycling collection has been well developed in the UK.

C Millions of tons of waste are collected and recycled in the UK.

D The consumers help the local government collect the waste from their houses.

解析:选A。A。细节理解题。根据文章第三段The number one thing that the Government can do to help us is to simplify the collection of waste in the consumer’s home及下文内容可知,无论是个人还是环保组织都在积极行动,为改变“一次性社会”做出努力。

3.What can be implied from the passage?

A People are forgetful and leave their dustbins everywhere.

B Envirowaste takes charge of collecting and recycling electronic goods.

C Envirowaste will benefit from repairing and reusing the electronic goods.

D Envirowaste has recognized the significance of a circular economy.


4.What can be concluded from the last paragraph?

A He is optimistic that many companies take measures to save resources.

B He is happy that many companies are ready for a circular economy.

C He is anxious that only a few companies take steps to recycle resources.

D He is doubtful about the coming of a more sustainable economy.

解析:选C。C。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段do recognize the potential…, but currently only a handful of pioneers …可知,目前认识到循坏经济潜力的公司有很多,但实际采取行动的却寥寥无几。由此判断,作者对于这种状况持忧虑的态度。

5.What can be the best title of the passage?

A A Circular Economy to Feed A Large Population

B Chances in A Sustainable Circular Economy

C Saving Resources for the Crowded World

D Measures to Move Away from “the Throwaway Society”
